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Embarrasing moments!

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At a Chinese restaurant in Manchester with a group and one bloke had never been to one before.

When the waiter brought the hot towels to use after the starters one chap said what are these for so i told him they were spring rolls.........so he bit into one !!!!

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Not me but a date I nearly went on. As a nurse I had a date with an attractive doctor. As I approached this cinema , where I had promised to meet him. He was standing outside and it was very windy. He had a toupee on, which blew off in the wind leaving him bald. I quickly turned round and walked the other way !:roll:


I can"t stop giggling at this trish. not you, but the poor old doc, chasing down the road after his wig. how embarrassing.:hihi:

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Way back in the 60s I hadn,t been married long and my new bride and I were invited to a dinner dance my wifes first one!.She was sitting at the head of our table just like the Queen,after the starter the waiters placed the plates in front of everyone,next they placed a turine of new potatoes in front of her!.These were to go round the people seated near us,without no ado she scooped half a turine on my plate the rest on hers causing a laugh for everyone,of course she blamed me for not stopping her but she was too quick for me!.Nowadays its me that embarrasses her when we dine out!.:thumbsup:

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Not me but a date I nearly went on. As a nurse I had a date with an attractive doctor. As I approached this cinema , where I had promised to meet him. He was standing outside and it was very windy. He had a toupee on, which blew off in the wind leaving him bald. I quickly turned round and walked the other way !:roll:


Nowadays, bald is considered attractive. At least, I keep telling myself that.:hihi:

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I went to a Chinese restaurant for a meal and was wearing a skirt I had made and was very proud of (think it was the only thing I'd ever made that looked like it should!) I could have died when we were shown to our table and the table cloth was identical to my skirt


It's one of the reasons I stopped wearing Gingham trousers. Got fed up of getting wiped down in restaurants.

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A few years ago a workmate of mine married for the second time and invited my wife and I to the evening do at Skates on Queens Road which did wedding receptions at the time!.We got there around 7-30pm went straight to the bar and purchased our drinks,we saw a long queue waiting to kiss and congratulate the bride whom we had never met before!.So I got in the queue and moved slowly along until I got to the front of the bride,I stepped forward and kissed her and said"I hope you and Andy have a happy life together!",she said "Who is Andy?".Unbeknown to me there were two reception rooms and we were in the wrong one,I apologised and retreated with a big red face to my darling wife who called me every idiot she could think of never letting it drop for ages after,embarrasing or what?.

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My boss had a toupee weave but another guy on the company must have spoke to him abut as he was going thin about having a weave. He arrived one day with this huge quif that put Donald Trump to shame.

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  • 3 weeks later...

October '61. I was a first year university student. On "Rag Day" (many on here will recognize what that was). I dressed up as a woman. Lipstick, rouge, skirt, high heeled shoes, 2 cushions stuffed under my blouse. The whole bit. In the days before public sensitivities to such things as transgender recognition, gay pride, let alone political correctness, came into being. You can imagine the looks and the banter that went my way as I went to use the public lavs in Fitzalan Square. :hihi:

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