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The Engagement.

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In the current climate of corruption and sleeze etc, does anyone really care anymore?

How bad do you have to be to not be allowed to join this Royal family....


I would guess yes..


They seem happy enough as a couple, but why wouldn’t they..they could quite simply do nothing and live VERY extravagantly for the rest of their lives..simply through birth...the surfs on the other hand don’t have that luxury.

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I would respect this lot if they got out of bed in a morning and did real jobs Harold on a build site carrying the hod. Harry the Hod carrier :hihi: and William on the Bins. Billy the Binman. There you go a couple of well deserved workers mates nick names already. :hihi:

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I'm not bothered about the marriage. As far as I'm concerned it's just 2 strangers getting married which happens all the time. However, I do understand the hype around it all. Plus it's good for the country so it's not all bad.


Hopefully we will all get a Bank Holiday out of it like the previous one.

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