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Oh Dear, The Girl Guides Have Been Infiltrated.

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I would hope this is false news, but I think it may be real.


Young teenage boys who wish to be considered female can now join the Girl Guides. With that comes the following privileges.


They can use female showers.


Female tents.


Female Dressing Rooms.


Female Toilets.


The info is reputedly taken from the Girl Guiding UK web site.


I fear all is lost, this wonderful Country is on the edge of a PC cliff.



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if i was a straight teenage boy who wanted to see a bunch of teenage girls boobs. i could insist i identified as female. and get to share the showers lol


Hmm, but the plan would certainly backfire when a certain part of your anatomy grew straighter and longer - cough cough

Besides I think most girl guides will find this all slightly creepy. I wouldn't be keen myself if my daughter was in the guides and I was expected to just sit back and allow boys into intimate areas - sorry PC or NO PC it wouldn't happen..End Of


And you can all say as you like, but from my point its NO!!

Edited by mrcharlie
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The boys Brigade have allowed girls in their companies for years. So i don't really see a problem with this. Can't really see a huge surge of lads who want to be lasses going to join Girls Brigade. Think numbers are on there way down to be honest.

As for as this gender stuff is concerned , yes it is getting massively out of control and the world will pay for it big time. Soon beastiality will be acceptable.

Edited by bottletree
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if i was a straight teenage boy who wanted to see a bunch of teenage girls boobs. i could insist i identified as female. and get to share the showers lol


I would imagine it's not that simple..


a male who identifies as female, has usually been that way for a while, and has spent a reasonable amount of time at a psychologists to see if it's a genuine condition or just a phase etc...


It's not generally something that can suddenly happen, people can struggle for years trying to hide it, until they just embrace who they are, from there they see a doctor, who refers to a psych, you undergo various assessments and maybe treatments (depending on age) etc...

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