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Oh Dear, The Girl Guides Have Been Infiltrated.

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Perhaps I should have said If someone with a mental illness who thought the gender they 'were assigned at birth' is wrong.

All this wrong sex stuff is just a modern fad. In my day it was Transformers, these days its Transgenders.


Oh dear.............

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In my day it was Transformers, these days its Transgenders.


And there’s the problem. Did you know they even had a female transformer once?


Do you think that’s the cause of the breakdown of modern society ?



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Oh dear.............


It is though. There are only two human sexes, plus a smattering of people with abnormalities.


Maybe you made the common mistake of confusing sex with gender. You can have what you like for gender for all I care, but you're either male, female, or abnormal.

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It is though. There are only two human sexes, plus a smattering of people with abnormalities.


Maybe you made the common mistake of confusing sex with gender. You can have what you like for gender for all I care, but you're either male, female, or abnormal.


If views like yours are what passes for 'normal', then I'm happy to be a freak :)

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I would hope this is false news, but I think it may be real.


Young teenage boys who wish to be considered female can now join the Girl Guides. With that comes the following privileges.


They can use female showers.


Female tents.


Female Dressing Rooms.


Female Toilets.


The info is reputedly taken from the Girl Guiding UK web site.


I fear all is lost, this wonderful Country is on the edge of a PC cliff.




get over it

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It is though. There are only two human sexes, plus a smattering of people with abnormalities.


Maybe you made the common mistake of confusing sex with gender. You can have what you like for gender for all I care, but you're either male, female, or abnormal.


Do you have a small moustache and have the occasional urge to elevate your right arm when greeting folk ?

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If views like yours are what passes for 'normal', then I'm happy to be a freak :)


People today are happy to be freaks,a lot of folk take no notice of what a lot of people do with their lives but then the people try to push it in what I call normal people faces and that gets people's goat up,transgender has been around for years as same sex relationships has,just get on with it without marching and protesting all the time.

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People today are happy to be freaks,a lot of folk take no notice of what a lot of people do with their lives but then the people try to push it in what I call normal people faces and that gets people's goat up,transgender has been around for years as same sex relationships has,just get on with it without marching and protesting all the time.


Well said Sir !

Same sex relationships and transgender are neither a 'fad' nor a 21st century invention as have been suggested by certain clueless posters.

Live and let live.

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People today are happy to be freaks,a lot of folk take no notice of what a lot of people do with their lives but then the people try to push it in what I call normal people faces and that gets people's goat up,transgender has been around for years as same sex relationships has,just get on with it without marching and protesting all the time.


People march and protest, not to 'push it into peoples faces', but, because of the oppression, prejudice and hatred they receive from 'normal' society.


Well said Sir !

Same sex relationships and transgender are neither a 'fad' nor a 21st century invention as have been suggested by certain clueless posters.

Live and let live.


No-one is suggesting same sex relationships and transgender are a fad or a 21st century invention, they've existed throughout human history.


However, up until very recently, being known to be, or being open about being, either, could result in having your life destroyed.


Until the Sexual Offences Act 1967, people could, and (many) were, imprisoned for homosexual acts.


Alan Turing, who was key in breaking Nazi codes during WWII received abysmal treatment at the hands of the establishment when found to be homosexual-




Turing was convicted and given a choice between imprisonment and probation, which would be conditional on his agreement to undergo hormonal treatment designed to reduce libido. He accepted the option of treatment via injections of what was then called stilboestrol (now known as diethylstilbestrol or DES), a synthetic oestrogen; this treatment was continued for the course of one year. The treatment rendered Turing impotent and caused gynaecomastia


As a member of another group receiving horrific abuse from society (autistic people, only 1 in 5 of whom are in employment, only 1 in 5 in a relationship, and who are statistically 9 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population) I think the homosexual community has done an amazing job in securing actual legal protection.


A big part of that incredible success was down to the strategies they used, which yes, did include protests and 'getting in peoples faces'.

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