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When karma strikes

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Ive just seen two bikers pulling wheelies, speeding and generally being a dangerous menace on the public roads near where I live and I said to my friend "Wouldn't it be good if karma payed them a visit".

My meaning was It would be good if the police happened by, saw them and nicked them but almost as soon as I had finished my sentence one of them took a dive mid wheelie and went face first onto Centenary Way. He was dazed but ultimately ok. His bike was a bit of a mess though but saying that even before the fall his lights were not much to write home about so I am guessing it was either not taxed, MOT'd and insured.

Anyhoo, Thank you karma and I hope the morons learn a lesson. That road is usually very busy and he was fortunate no other traffic was coming up behind him otherwise it could have ended up really bad for him and anyone who hit him.

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