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EU Brexit - £50 or 60 Billion?

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Next time, try reading the whole thing, like this part;


Sorry about the big words. ;)

you edited that bit in 7 minutes after you posted the first, he posted at 2.32 so prolly missed your edit...your fault but i expect itll be somebody elses fault

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Theresa May has gone very quiet all of a sudden, and doesn't seem to want to talk about this, I wonder why....


The blackmail now seems to have reached about £50 Billion, and she doesn't even want Parliament to know how much she's prepared to give. Nor does she want them to know the details of anything, with her redacted reports to government.


Is this any way to run such a crucial issue?


I'd like to see an itemised account of what this money is for and where it's going. The EU now seem to see us as a cash cow. After the way they have behaved towards the UK (European city of culture was the last bit of petty meanness - how childish) I am more convinced than ever that we are better off outside this corrupt and non-democratic entity. Mrs May and co are no match for such vindictiveness.


Maybe it's time to walk away.....


But you were told about this cos before you decided to vote Leave? But I guess that was said by experts, so obviously best to ignore experts and listen to man of the people Nige.

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you edited that bit in 7 minutes after you posted the first, he posted at 2.32 so prolly missed your edit...your fault but i expect itll be somebody elses fault


You are correct for once Mel. It's definitely Naive's fault. My second reply to Anna is even included in Naive's reply to me.


You should follow exactly the same advice I gave to Naive, and next time try reading the whole thing. I've avoided big words for you though.


Try harder, or take note of my signature before hitting the submit button, and don't. :)

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But you were told about this cos before you decided to vote Leave? But I guess that was said by experts, so obviously best to ignore experts and listen to man of the people Nige.


If I remember correctly we were given lots of contrasting opinions and not so many facts, and some downright lies. It was more a question of who and what to believe.


It wasn't just Nige in the leave camp, but politicians and 'experts' too.

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Theresa May has gone very quiet all of a sudden, and doesn't seem to want to talk about this, I wonder why....


The blackmail now seems to have reached about £50 Billion, and she doesn't even want Parliament to know how much she's prepared to give. Nor does she want them to know the details of anything, with her redacted reports to government.

Theresa May is hardly going to tell Parliament the maximum amount of money the UK are prepared to pay and at the same same time give the heads up to the EU. Whatever the amount is agreed will be much higher than if the UK had united and pulled together resulting in a much better negotiating position than exists at the moment. The people to blame for a high exit bill are the politicians and media who haven't accepted the democratic referendum result and got behind Brexit for the benefit of our country.

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Theresa May is hardly going to tell Parliament the maximum amount of money the UK are prepared to pay and at the same same time give the heads up to the EU. Whatever the amount is agreed will be much higher than if the UK had united and pulled together resulting in a much better negotiating position than exists at the moment. The people to blame for a high exit bill are the politicians and media who haven't accepted the democratic referendum result and got behind Brexit for the benefit of our country.


I think she's also embarrassed by the amount for a government who proclaimed 'they didn't have a magic money tree' and were so broke we all had to suffer austerity....

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But you were told about this cos before you decided to vote Leave? But I guess that was said by experts, so obviously best to ignore experts and listen to man of the people Nige.


The petty, vindictive nature of the neoliberal EU Commission (the real EU government), is now on display for all to see.


Not a pretty sight, is it?

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