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EU Brexit - £50 or 60 Billion?

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I've no illusions that the decade after Brexit will be tough, of course it's gonna be tough....it's a massive change. But I honestly do think this country will grow stronger.

Let's not fool ourselves here, if this island were German or France, do you really think they would have joined the EU in the first instance...of course they wouldn't.


It won't grow stronger. We have sluggish growth for the next six years. South Yorkshire is already one of the poorest parts of Europe. It will get poorer still. But then again, Germany and France don't have raving bigots in positions of power and influence. That begging bowl will see plenty of use.

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Perhaps you should read up on mandatory EU Court of Justice anti-trade union rulings such as Viking, Laval and Ruffert?


Last year trade unionists in the single market member states of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein learnt to their cost that the EU is for big business and anti-worker.


Norway’s dock labour scheme has been ruled illegal by the European Free Trade Association, which polices the single market, because it stopped employers bringing in cheap labour from elsewhere.


The EU prioritises free movement of goods, services, labor and capital, including the 'right of establishment' - the right of business to operate without undue hindrance from national legislation.


The EU is an enemy of the working class.


Norway signed up to the EU or free movement of people,that's not the fault of the EU,if trade unions are against the EU,why aren't they out in the streets protesting against it and backing anti EU candidates in national elections?

Why are the majority of big trade unions in the UK backing continued membership of the single market?

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I've no illusions that the decade after Brexit will be tough, of course it's gonna be tough....it's a massive change. But I honestly do think this country will grow stronger.

Let's not fool ourselves here, if this island were German or France, do you really think they would have joined the EU in the first instance...of course they wouldn't.

Germany and France are part of the EU :confused:

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Priti Patel said she would tell them to "sod off".

I would put it a lot stronger than that!


Well of course she does.


Pratty Patel wants to invite all her one billion fellow indian countrymen to the UK, else india won’t have a trade agreement with us


It’s gonna be great, bringing india’s caste system to these shores. We’ll have cows grazing in the streets and we’ll float bodies down the Thames and everything


Which probably isn’t what any of you brexiters were expecting

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Germany and France are part of the EU :confused:
They created it (with a few more Continental countries), starting with the ECSC.


Of course, if someone didn't learn this at school way-back-when, then getting to know that takes effort: firing up Google or Bing, typing in 'EU France Germany' in the search box, clicking and reading a couple of links or just the Wiki <...>


Far easier to wallow in slogans and confirmation bias, and the prime fertiliser that is ignorance.



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The EU has been on the side of the working class when Thatcher spent billions crushing them. You clearly don't know who the working class friends are. They certainly aren't Farage, Gove, May or Johnson. There will be no more EU projects for South Yorkshire, and to be honest, it doesn't deserve them - only the cuts that will surely come to pay for the massive Brexit bill.


I do know that the investment banks Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan and Morgan Stanley, huge supporters of the EU project, are no friends of the working class.


Why do you think it is that these banks, who arguably control the Capitalist world, were so insistent that the UK remain a member of the EU? Is it because they are passionate advocates of workers rights?

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Well of course she does.


Pratty Patel wants to invite all her one billion fellow indian countrymen to the UK, else india won’t have a trade agreement with the UK


It’s gonna be great, bringing india’s caste system to these shores. We’ll have cows grazing in the streets and we’ll float bodies down the Thames and everything


Which probably isn’t what any of you brexiters it remainers were expecting


Just what the hell have you let us in for ?


You’ve completely ruined the country

We already have a caste system here. If you're poor, you're viewed as an 'untouchable' by the Tories.


---------- Post added 29-11-2017 at 21:18 ----------


I do know that the investment banks Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan and Morgan Stanley, huge supporters of the EU project, are no friends of the working class.


Why do you think it is that these banks, who arguably control the Capitalist world, were so insistent that the UK remain a member of the EU? Is it because they are passionate advocates of workers rights?


In or out, it won't make a difference to these banks. If you voted Brexit, you voted to make us worse off, and you'll learn that over the coming years. That Brexit bill will be paid for by ever deeper cuts that will make all of us worse off. This ranks as the biggest deliberate waste of money in my lifetime, and it was all about trying to heal differences within the Tory party. Never has there been a more shameful misappropriation of taxpayers money than that in our history. The Tories have used and abused the taxpayer for their own shameful ends.

Edited by pss60
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They created it (with a few more Continental countries), starting with the ECSC.


Of course, if someone didn't learn this at school way-back-when, then getting to know that takes effort: firing up Google or Bing, typing in 'EU France Germany' in the search box, clicking and reading a couple of links or just the Wiki <...>


Far easier to wallow in slogans and confirmation bias, and the prime fertiliser that is ignorance.



Sorry, it's past my bed time so I may be a little confused. The other poster said that if we were Germany or France we would have never joined the EU and I was pointing out that they are part of the EU.

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Sorry, it's past my bed time so I may be a little confused. The other poster said that if we were Germany or France we would have never joined the EU and I was pointing out that they are part of the EU.
Sorry for any confusion, Supertramp, that post wasn't meant as a dig at you, it was just continuing on from yours and tongue in cheek...


...because what that other poster said makes no sense (why would France or Germany have been "islands" and "joined the EU" halfway through its inception, like the UK did in 73, when they'd actually created the thing in the first place, decades before? It's not even attempting to rewrite history or exploring an alternative reality, but just outright nonsensical)

Edited by L00b
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I do know that the investment banks Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan and Morgan Stanley, huge supporters of the EU project, are no friends of the working class.


Why do you think it is that these banks, who arguably control the Capitalist world, were so insistent that the UK remain a member of the EU? Is it because they are passionate advocates of workers rights?


Why is it that UK trade unions want to remain a member of the single market?

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