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EU Brexit - £50 or 60 Billion?

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It was Thatcher that closed the mines.


It was the EU that destroyed our fishing industry.


The UK used to enjoy fishing areas that extended up to 200 miles from our coast. Under the terms we joined the EU, this distance was reduced to just 12 miles, costing us fishing sales that would now be worth £2 billion a year.

ill just leave this here



will it be any better if we dont get agreements on where we can fish after we leave?

it could leave us casting off off Whitby Pier if we dont get agreements on fishing in others waters

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France is nowhere near as addicted to cheap credit for fuelling consumerism as the UK. It's an important cultural difference.


And the export route you describe as 'daft', is exactly what the UK has been doing for years, but through the Netherlands, in particular from Rotterdam (where most containers land and exports are customs-processed, then road-shipped from there -taking advantage of freedom of movement- to the UK and others amongst the more western of the EU27).


That is slowing now the new London terminal is coming online and I wouldn't say most at present.

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Sea import is about where good are going, whats hard about that to understand

What relevance did your post have to one pointing out that a claim that the UK has a major global trade advantage due to being an island is false?

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What relevance did your post have to one pointing out that a claim that the UK has a major global trade advantage due to being an island is false?


We will not be diminished as a trading nation, by leaving the EU it will be the same. Or are you debating for debating sake?

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We will not be diminished as a trading nation, by leaving the EU it will be the same. Or are you debating for debating sake?

As you have repeatedly ignored the point I was replying to it's obvious you who are debating for debating sake so I'll leave you to it.

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My my, you've gone to a lot of trouble to try and besmirch my integrity, and I think you've failed miserably.

All those exchanges say to me is that I was looking for information and some enlightenment. It's how I sort things out in my mind.

I think you, on the other hand, simply come across as rather rude.


You are obviously considered a threat for the contributor to have put such an effort into your character assassination.


You should ask yourself, and the contributor, why?

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I think we prepaid with allied service personal on 08/05/1945

Then the monetary debt to America was paid in 2007

Nobody in europe helped or even offered to help pay that debt back.

Give them nothing.


A good example of why some idiots voted brexit, - living in the past days of rose tinted glory.


They'll be voting for the British Army to go into battle wearing red coats while shooting Zulu's next.

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My my, you've gone to a lot of trouble to try and besmirch my integrity, and I think you've failed miserably.

All those exchanges say to me is that I was looking for information and some enlightenment. It's how I sort things out in my mind.

That took me all of 4 or 5 minutes, and it's never any trouble to point out misrepresentations. With supporting evidence, so the misrepresenting is clear for all who care, to see.


The fact of the matter is, you were provided with information time and again by others and myself in many threads on here, then -in the absence of any evidence that the information was, if not accepted by you (fine, fair enough), then at least causing you to research and consider facts beyond red top headlines and politician's slogans- you were invited to research this information yourself independently.


The OP of this thread is all the evidence needed, that you are wholly uninterested in enlightenment, nor in exercising critical thinking based on factual information.


By the way, do you still hold Trump and Farage in such high esteem as you did not so long back?

I think you, on the other hand, simply come across as rather rude.
Good, I'd call that progress, relative to 'arrogant' :P:hihi:



---------- Post added 30-11-2017 at 09:15 ----------


That is slowing now the new London terminal is coming online and I wouldn't say most at present.
It is still 'most', but it is true that the new London Terminal, specifically developed for ULCSes as it has been, has begun to eat into Rotterdam volumes.


And it would continue to do so...if the UK was going to stay in the Single Market (wherein the LT would continue to benefit from the same 'borderless+road/rail freight' practice that helped develop Rotterdam and Bremerhaven so much in the first place, but in reverse of course).


Sadly, the UK isn't staying in the SM, so expect Felixstowe to hold back the development of LT (both provide the UK with over-capacity, in a scaled-down economy moreover with customs clearance checks at all borders), and Rotterdam and Bremerhaven to maintain their higher volumes a good while longer.

Edited by L00b
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