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Moving to Sheffield and getting my adult social care transfered too

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I currently live in Carlisle but I'm looking for a place to live Sheffield, mainly for health reasons and because of the lack of specialist services in Carlisle.


Im under adult social care in Carlisle but after i move to Sheffield and get my care transfered, i will get assessment to get direct payment for private treatment for my mental health and physical health, but not through the nhs as I've bad experiences with them and i prefer private treatment


The treatment I'm looking is a clinical psychologist or a sports physio for my back problem and other treatment. Because I've had direct payments several years ago but i didn't manage because i wasn't good at money management and also i didn't have anyone to help manage it, but because my money management is better and i hire someone to help me, do anyone know if social care can assess me and agree for direct payments, obviously it depends on circumstances but if i hire someone to help me and can they provide this?

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If you are assessed what if they refuse to stump up for private treatment?

Under modern more austere rules I'm not sure you can just demand to be treated privately out of public money?


Yes i forgot to mention that i get two lots of benefits pip and esa but together it still isn't enough to cover the other treatment I'm wanting and it takes up more than half of my benefits which doesnt leave me with much left for weekly shopping and other things.


I'm not trying to sound as if i deserve special treatment, I'm just saying that if they do agree for me to have certain therapy then that'll be good because i can then afford the other things i need.


Yes i can't just demand it but the only way to know is to have an assessment on it with social care and if they don't then ill have to manage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanting to move to Sheffield mainly for health reasons and because of the lack of specilist services in Carlisle.


But because I've had a terrible experience with adult social care and gained nothing from them and also because my social worker is useless and that she and her manager are not sure whether to agree to provide the funding, for support in Sheffield, even though they've said that there's nothing for me here and the what i need is in Sheffield, i don'tknow why haven't already agreed to tge funding.


So because if this and i don't know what adult social care is like in Sheffield I'm seriously considering leaving adult social care and getting the support for my mental and physical health, outside from what adult social care and the council provide and whether the council can provide funding for the supprted living and to provide me with direct payments, but obviously without going through social care. I just can't waste anymore time with faffing about my social worker and need get help another way.


Is it possible to leave adult social care on 117 and if i do will that effect my benefits in anyway and will i be able to get direct payments from the council on its own to help me pay for certain treatments I'm looking for?

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That really is a specialist question. I note that your in Carlisle not Sheffield, if you were in Sheffield we have specialist Mental Health CAB workers down here.


What I can do is link what's called the Sheffield Directory which gives details of all the health, social care & psychiatric services (and more) that are available in Sheffield and the surrounding areas:


This guide is put together by Sheffield Council & Mind. It mainly covers statutory & voluntary services, but may also have info about private provision. It replaced the old 'helpyourself' directory.


I can say that you're the second person that I'm aware of that has posted on here questioning a move to a different city on the basis of psychiatric services. It's very sad that it has come to this - I thought there was a minimum service level agreement about what's available in statutory services....Perhaps things have worsened since the days when I worked in mental health services.


Anyway, before you decide to move, think carefully. Obviously I don't know your circumstances fully, but, don't take for granted any informal support (family or friends) that you may have in Carlisle. Often it's those networks that are the safety net for people with mh difficulties. Bear in mind too that moving is stressful, let alone moving cities.

Good luck.

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Hi thanks for getting back to me, but what is CAB exactly i just hope you don't mean citazens advice bureau, if not do CAB have a website and if it is citazens advice do they anyone who can help me with the problem I'm having and can they tell me what else i can do to get help elsewhere, other than adult social care?


What i mean by support outside social care is of like getting my own support for my mental health and aspergers but from a charity or organisation and to get the funding for it from either the council on it's own or from another charity or organisation that can provide the funding to charity I'm wanting support from, so they can provide my support. If this makes sense, but i don't if this will be possible if i left social care and went down this route, as they might say well why did you leave adult social care and because of me leaving they might be reluctant to provide separate funding.

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As Mister M has said, your situation and questions are specialized and judging by the lack of response, beyond the scope of ordinary forum members. Also, you give no information about what this treatment is that Sheffield can offer but Carlisle cannot. Whatever it is, to base a move on this one factor does not seem to be sensible. Your social work team might be reluctant to fund the move due to budgetary restraints and the fact that they are unsure about your ability to cope alone in a new place.


An advocate may well be useful and since you mentioned charities, maybe the best thing would be to speak to the one of your choice and ask them if they have a support worker who would visit you and go through all the options. Alternatively, as Mister M has said, contact the Citizens Advice Bureau in your home town. An advocate might also be able to mediate in the relationship with your current social worker/s; it might help to smooth out the problems.


There are too many holes in this plan to move to Sheffield and you need to know absolutely that Sheffield NHS and local authority will meet your demands. Like many local authorities, Sheffield has budget problems and services are being cut back - it is therefore not sensible to pin your hopes on them coming up with any additional funding if you move here.


Mister M was absolutely right about the stresses and strains of moving home. You don't say whether you will be alone but cities can be very lonely places, especially for people with disabilities. It has the potential for exacerbating your mental health problems. You should also know that there is a waiting list for council accommodation and private renting can be very expensive.


Edit: You might receive more responses if you tell members the treatment that you feel a Sheffield can offer. Someone might have had such treatment and may be able to advise.

Edited by Jomie
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Will leaving adult social care effect my benefits in anyway, will i not be under 117 anymore, because it might question the council if I'm able to work or not as i won't be under their care anymore, but I'm only considering leaving adult social care because I've had a terrible experience with them and that i prefer to get my own care using my benefits?

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Will leaving adult social care effect my benefits in anyway, will i not be under 117 anymore, because it might question the council if I'm able to work or not as i won't be under their care anymore, but I'm only considering leaving adult social care because I've had a terrible experience with them and that i prefer to get my own care using my benefits?


Given the paltry sum I doubt whether benefits will cover the cost of any care you receive.

Given the specialist nature of your questions, and the serious implications on you of any advice given; I can only stress again for you to discuss with someone who knows the area fully.

Now this might be your local MIND, or a professional specialising in mental health provision (perhaps your GP?) Forums are great for general support & advice, but probably not for what your seeking.

Can I ask why you want to move to Sheffield specifically? I get that your not happy with services in Carlisle, but what makes you think Sheffield will be any better? Have you got any links / family here?

Usually to get any support from statutory services, you need a referral from your GP. As anywhere, there are good GPs and not so good ones. Even good GPs hands are tied by lack of funding and huge waiting lists.

Edited by Mister M
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Have you been sectioned in the past and is this the reason why you are now under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983? If so, have a look here and here. Those links provide a lot of information, including leaving 117.


Judging by the little you have said about yourself, you have significant care needs. You should do nothing without professional advice and support. Moving to Sheffield or anywhere else would be extremely risky, not to mention expensive. Presumably you would need to employ a carer to help manage your life. This would take a significant amount from your direct payments.


As Mister M has said, please talk to someone from a charity of your choice - you clearly need professional help.

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