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Moving to Sheffield and getting my adult social care transfered too

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I'm not an expert, and these are really complex issues. Hopefully this will help.


Firstly, some questions: Are you currently receiving support funded by the s117 aftercare? Have you had a review of the care plan recently? If you weren't receiving the s117 aftercare, how would you fund any support?


I assume you have your own property? How would you fund a property in Sheffield? if you will be relying on Housing Benefit to pay the rent, you may find it diffult to secure a private rented tenancy in Sheffield.


As far as I know, the s117 aftercare can only be ended by a professional (https://www.rethink.org/living-with-mental-illness/mental-health-laws/section-117-aftercare/ending-s117).


If you were not receiving the s117, would you need social care funding to pay for support? If you wanted to be assessed for social care funding, you would need to approach your Local Authority's Adult Social Care department and ask them for an assessment. This would probably be a Care Act assessment. After the assessment, if you met the criteria, you would be able to use funds to pay for some support.


If you want to try and get NHS funding to pay for support, you will need to go through that process.


There are some specialist services in Sheffield. Some of them will be run as voluntary groups. Some of the agencies will be funded by people paying for their services, or using Direct Payments.


My advice is to use the advocate to support you working with the professional who is overseeing your care plan. See if you can improve things that way. Alternatively, ask about moving with the existing s117 aftercare, but this is likely to be a complex process. An advocate may be able to advise if there are any other ways of getting funds for ongoing support.

Edited by dizzy_chick
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