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A harsh winter, where can we get survival tips?

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There's always scare stories about a harsh winter.


The other year it was all exposed to be a massive con, the companies and weather forecasters making these claims didn't even exist, just a couple of idiots on the internet trying it on.

Same tripe gets put out every year though regardless.


Thanks geared - I'd forgotten about that little escapade.


I bet 'rogets' - who still hasn't replied to any considered responses - gets all his 'news' from the same dodgy sources.

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There's always scare stories about a harsh winter.


The other year it was all exposed to be a massive con, the companies and weather forecasters making these claims didn't even exist, just a couple of idiots on the internet trying it on.

Same tripe gets put out every year though regardless.

tbh i was told this winter was gonna be worse, havent had one for a few years and low and behold we have snow today, we dont normally get snow either being on the coast. and its earlier than we normally get it.

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We've had some unusual arctic winds this week, it is lovely but slightly nippy.




- wear windproof clothing.

- don't overheat the house/workplace, instead keep it at normal temperatures (17-19 degrees depending on neshness) and combat draughts in the home/workplace instead.

- drink warm drinks.

- start the day with a brisk walk up't hills and get your body warmed up through exercise, it will help throughout the day.

- Put an extra blanket on the bed, don't leave heating on overnight, it will just make you feel cold when you go out in the morning and cost you money.

- Optional - buy a big fluffy dog to accompany you on the walk and to cover you on the sofa.

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Forecasters can't get it correct for tomorrow never mind for January . Its paper talk and not worth reading . Just use common sense . When weather forecasters are giving us the forecast about a third of their time on air is telling us what we have already had earlier .

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