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A harsh winter, where can we get survival tips?

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- don't overheat the house/workplace, instead keep it at normal temperatures (17-19 degrees depending on neshness) and combat draughts in the home/workplace instead.



Only in Yorkshire would 17-19 be considered "normal". Its not recommended to go below 18C as it risks pneumonia.

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They say in the papers there is some harsh weather coming this weekend with extreme freezing temperatures, harsh frosts and in January the possibility of a killer freeze.


But nowhere do we get any information on how to survive the up and coming extreme conditions.


Maybe sheffield forum could provide this service with forumers giving survival tips to everyone.


We have started to stockpile tins of beans, corned beef and this evening we will be stockpiling on bread, filling the freezer up.


I don't understand how those in power leave their citizens to perish, surely we should be getting advice?


Ive booked for Cuba in January

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I'll probably get shot down for this, but has the OP heard of that little thing called common sense?


I remember MUCH harsher winters than this, and I'm still here 62 years later, and still in one piece. It appears to me that many (but by no means all), have lost the ability to think for themselves, and expect someone else to tell them everything - no doubt so they can 'blame' them and claim compensation.:loopy:


I wouldn't be surprised if someone blamed it on brexit.

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