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The Impartiality Of The BBC.

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Tory mp, Times journo, ye olde leader of UKIP. Vs Chukka and a Greek bloke.


I’d say that the panel was weighted far too far to the right.



I like listening to the Yanis "greek bloke", but you got to remember he has been made famous by failing

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The BBC shows its true colours again tonight on Question Time. Four Remoaners v one not very convincing Brexiteer (UKip).

Surely the BEEB should be able to balance the panel members a little more evenly than this.




So you would like the BBC to regulate the audience to get equal left/right numbers, leave/remain numbers, black/white numbers and male/female numbers - that is not how it works.


Did any vote leavers want to go onto QT and say how great things are going - no.

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The BBC shows its true colours again tonight on Question Time. Four Remoaners v one not very convincing Brexiteer (UKip).


Surely the BEEB should be able to balance the panel members a little more evenly than this.


Maybe they couldn't find any Brexiters willing to go on the program. As reality bites I suspect you''ll be seeing less and less of 'em in public.

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The BBC shows its true colours again tonight on Question Time. Four Remoaners v one not very convincing Brexiteer (UKip).


Surely the BEEB should be able to balance the panel members a little more evenly than this.





John Humphrys ('Today' presenter BBC Radio 4) claims that BBC Bosses are completely out of touch with ordinary people on the issue of Europe, and many other issues.


In a Radio Times interview earlier this month he said:


"I noted on the morning of the referendum that in the BBC almost everybody who came in, above all, all the bosses, looked absolutely stunned. And I suspect if you walked into a café round the corner frequented by a rather wider mix of the population, there wouldn’t have been that same sense of being utterly stunned."


So there is a huge disconnect between the people who run the BBC and a large chunk of the population.

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