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The Impartiality Of The BBC.

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I dislike the expensive BBC and I dislike the wealthy, out of touch metropolitan pro-EU pampered elite that it represents. I don't watch any BBC television, which I consider to be deeply politically biased and hugely inferior to similar content produced elsewhere.



The BBC have kept the population well informed for decades. Is our recent voting history an indication that we are no longer as well informed?

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Except, in this regard there is very little difference between Netflix and the BBC, since you can watch BBC content on iPlayer at a time of your choosing.


There are big differences between Netflix and the BBC iPlayer.


The iPlayer is primarily a catch-up service. If I want to watch a full series of a classic BBC serial, iPlayer won't let me. If I discover something that I like that's on its fifth episode, I will probably find that on iPlayer it only starts with the second episode – and it’s about to expire. Typical out of touch, uncaring BBC!


Netflix has whole consecutive seasons of programmes to watch immediately from at any point. And the Netflix interface is much better than iPlayer's. It's faster and easier to navigate. And the more I watch the better it gets.


BBC iPlayer is also very expensive. It would cost me £147 to watch it, if I so desired. Netflix is free for its first month to new customers, during which time I can cancel and it will cost me absolutely nothing. After that it's £5.99 a month. No contract. Cancel at any time.


The greedy BBC does not offer a free months trial for new customers.


iPlayer is glitchy. Sound and picture frequently fall out of sync. The controls aren’t intuitive.


Nope, the BBC is a pioneer in online services, it has consistantly been at the forefront of technological innovation.


Streaming TV is no longer about catch-up. The BBC is stuck in the past.

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In these days when channels can be made subscription only, the BBC tax is unfair. If someone pays a subscription to watch Sky Sports and doesn't want to watch any BBC channels, why should they be forced to pay for the BBC?


The government should get rid of the TV license, and offer us the choice of whether or not to pay for the BBC. They refuse to do this. If the BBC was as good as they claim, they would offer the public the opportunity to choose whether to pay for it or not. Scramble the channels and make them subscription only. They are scared that not enough people would think the BBC worth paying for.

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The BBC have kept the population well informed for decades. Is our recent voting history an indication that we are no longer as well informed?


Do you mean the Tories losing seats at the general election or Jeremy Corbyn increasing his vote?


I do know that the BBC has persecuted the UK poor for decades with its TV tax.

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And the Netflix interface is much better than iPlayer's. It's faster and easier to navigate.


Subjective, based on device used.


BBC iPlayer is also very expensive.


Again, you compare apples to sausages.


iPlayer is glitchy. Sound and picture frequently fall out of sync. The controls aren’t intuitive.


Now you're beyond credible, nothing wrong with iPlayer sound & picture, or the UI. Must be you or your setup.


Anyway, you wouldn't know, you don't use it... remember! :hihi:


Streaming TV is no longer about catch-up.


Looks like the BBC agree's:-




The BBC is stuck in the past.


Doesn't seem like it :P

Edited by Magilla
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A regulation is not an Act, it is subordinate to it.


It still does not alter the fact that this is not an ownership tax as you have previously stated.


In the original 2003 act the definition of a television receiver is " any apparatus installed or used for the purpose of receiving (whether by means of wireless telegraphy or otherwise) any television programme service, whether or not it is installed or used for any other purpose. Agreed the 2016 amendments to that act do add additional meanings.


I have a TV receiver but it is not installed or used for the purpose of receiving any television programme service so therefore the licence fee cannot be an ownership tax.

Edited by apelike
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But they don't have any choice about paying the license fee, if they choose to buy and own a TV, because it's a tax based on ownership of reception equipment, nothing to do with the content received.


I have purchased a smart TV which I use to watch dvd/blue ray films as well as viewing Netflix and YouTube.


Although I own my TV, I'm not legally required to have a BBC TV licence, nor do I want one. The BBC will not get a penny from me.


They can stick their iPlayer.


---------- Post added 05-12-2017 at 21:20 ----------


Again, you compare apples to sausages.


£147 to view the BBC iPlayer.


£5.99 to view Netflix (which has much more content than iPlayer). First month free. Cancel at any time.


Both Netflix and Amazon are spending considerably more on original content than the BBC. The future does not belong to the expensive, outdated BBC.

Edited by Car Boot
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£147 to view the BBC iPlayer.


£5.99 to view Netflix (which has much more content than iPlayer). First month free. Cancel at any time.


Again, apples to sausages, the BBC provides far more than just entertainment content.


Both Netflix and Amazon are spending considerably more on original content than the BBC.


Netflix are spending some of it at the BBC ;)


How many news, current affairs & radio channels does Netflix have?

What's their investigative journalism like?


The future does not belong to the expensive, outdated BBC.


So you claim, but given your other claims.......

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Hope that the BBC iPlayer app that usually comes with Smart TVs isn't embedded and can be uninstalled!


It's okay.


I have never used it.


And don't users have to enter their BBC TV licence fee number before they can access the limited choice of dumbed down TV?

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