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The Impartiality Of The BBC.

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You may not have a problem with that but I do. I don't watch TV and don't see why I should have to fund others to watch it via general taxation when its fine as it is.


its your right wing mate thats moaning about the license not us :suspect:

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I have provided a number of easily checkable facts detailing how the BBC treats women much more harshly than men:


70% of those prosecuted for BBC TV licence evasion in 2012 were women. Only 30% were men.


Those fined for not having a BBC TV licence in 2012 by gender was 32% male, and 68% female.


In 2014, 70% of people prosecuted for BBC TV licence fee evasion were women. Only 30% were men.


38 people were imprisoned in England and Wales in 2015 after being fined for not being able to afford to pay the BBC TV licence. 20 were women, 18 were men. So 53% of the total number of people sent to prison that year by the BBC were women. Massively disproportionate when you consider that women make up just 4.5% of the total prison population.


71.9% of all BBC TV Licensing criminal convictions in 2016 were against women. Only 28.1% were against men.


If the BBC values and respects women, why does it treat them much more harshly than men? Also, why does it pay them much less than men for doing the same job? Actions speak much louder than cheap BBC rhetoric. The BBC is a male dominated, anti-female organisation.


That tells me women don't pay their bills whereas men do.

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Here's a copy of the letter sent by Tony Hall to Capita when they were accused of targetting vulnerable people:-




Hmm, so much for that theory eh :)


The letter you posted hasn't provided any evidence whatsoever that the BBC DOESN'T discriminate against women when prosecuting and convicting BBC TV licence fee evaders in the criminal justice system.


The BBC TV licence fee is a regressive tax and there is no financial support to help pay for it for those on very low incomes. If I can't pay my rent or council tax, I can get financial assistance - but not with my BBC TV licence (which is used to fund lavish salaries for the out of touch wealthy metropolitan elite).


The BBC, in the majority of its prosecutions, is criminalising disadvantaged and vulnerable women for the 'crime' of being poor. The BBC has acknowledged that women are disproportionately over represented in licence fee evasion prosecutions and convictions - but claims not to know why.

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The letter you posted hasn't provided any evidence whatsoever that the BBC DOESN'T discriminate against women when prosecuting and convicting BBC TV licence fee evaders in the criminal justice system.


The BBC TV licence fee is a regressive tax and there is no financial support to help pay for it for those on very low incomes. If I can't pay my rent or council tax, I can get financial assistance - but not with my BBC TV licence (which is used to fund lavish salaries for the out of touch wealthy metropolitan elite).


The BBC, in the majority of its prosecutions, is criminalising disadvantaged and vulnerable women for the 'crime' of being poor. The BBC has acknowledged that women are disproportionately over represented in licence fee evasion prosecutions and convictions - but claims not to know why.


What the hell are you on. Government financial support??


If you cannot pay the tv licence costs then its simple. Dont watch live broadcast television.


When watching live broadcasts for free is a human right with mandatory government provision come back to me :loopy:

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If you really gave a crap about the poor, why aren't you asking for the BBC to be funded via general taxation or the fee to be more progressive to your MP? I wouldn't have a problem with that. Then the poor can get it for free.


The BBC being funded out of general taxation is no solution, as it would still hurt those on low incomes the most. And this method takes absolutely no account of the increasing number of people who do not wish to stomach the unremitting anti-Brexit propaganda the BBC peddles day in, and day out.


The BBC television channel transmissions should be digitally scrambled, and available to those who want them through paid subscription. Netflix and Amazon have proved that this is a financially viable model fit for the 21st Century. The licence fee to watch live broadcasts must be scrapped.


The BBC is extremely hostile to this subscription form of funding as it is aware that it's income would be massively reduced if people were given the choice of paying for its poor quality content.

Edited by Car Boot
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The letter you posted hasn't provided any evidence whatsoever that the BBC DOESN'T discriminate against women when prosecuting and convicting BBC TV licence fee evaders in the criminal justice system.


The BBC TV licence fee is a regressive tax and there is no financial support to help pay for it for those on very low incomes. If I can't pay my rent or council tax, I can get financial assistance - but not with my BBC TV licence (which is used to fund lavish salaries for the out of touch wealthy metropolitan elite).


The BBC, in the majority of its prosecutions, is criminalising disadvantaged and vulnerable women for the 'crime' of being poor. The BBC has acknowledged that women are disproportionately over represented in licence fee evasion prosecutions and convictions - but claims not to know why.


If unable to afford the BBC TV licence fee then stop or cut down smoking (or vaping), stop or cut down drinking, cut back on the mobile phone contract, get rid of the Sky and/or Virgin subscription. Or to put it another way, decide what is the priority for spending money on. If you want to watch live TV you need a TV licence to receive the broadcast, start from there on the list of priorities, after food and accommodation.


Those on low incomes may get financial assistance. to pay rent or council tax but they will be classed as a necessity. There is no necessity for watching a TV. What do you think people did during the war and earlier before TV existed?


Perhaps women are over represented because more women evade paying the licence fee.

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The BBC ..


All previously discussed and debunked.


The majority of people in the UK value the BBC, use its services every day and think the UK is better off with, than without it.


I thought you were all about "will of the people"? I guess that only counts when it suits you... again, no real surprise.

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I’m just correcting your idea that ITV is free.


It’s nothing of the sort.


ITV has advertising revenue of £3bn a year. That’s £46 a person on average, or £106 per household on average. That £106 will be passed on in the price of practically everything you buy. It’s not free.


No one is forced to purchase any product are they? and just how the hell do you link peoples purchasing directly with advertising they were exposed to by watching ITV?? This is a risible attempt at justifying the BBC licence fee.


ITV is independent, in that it has to go out there and actively seek funding for itself.

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No one is forced to purchase any product are they? and just how the hell do you link peoples purchasing directly with advertising they were exposed to by watching ITV?? This is a risible attempt at justifying the BBC licence fee.


ITV is independent, in that it has to go out there and actively seek funding for itself.


Exactly,and well done to ITV for attracting the support of big business,banks,building societies and companies and keeping the spirit of globalisation alive for all non BBC fans.

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