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Are we a healthy nation?

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It’s a curious one.


Remember that putting large numbers of people permanently on the sick was a policy the Tories developed in the 1980s.


It’s part of our culture now. There’s almost two generations that have been indoctrinated into it.


Now it seems that after inventing this culture in the first place now the Tories don’t like it. Of course they’ll know many people on long term disability should never have been on it - they deliberately institutionalised the incentives to go on it in the first place.



You got that right.

My Brother-In-Law father hasn't worked for as long as I've known him (almost 30yrs) supposedly back issues which never seemed to prevent him from carrying his granddaughters on his shoulders, swinging them around in the park etc etc. A truly bone idle man who was quick to stand in judgement on any conversation yet hadn't got the guts to stand on his own two feet!


He would plead misery and pain and be handed a brand new people carrier time after time. But the worst was when he decided to leave his terraced house and enquire about a brand new detached house on a newly built housing estate...Unbelievably I heard that the banks were only too pleased to offer him a mortgage as being on disability was a guaranteed income. He did actually get the new house and a short time later another brand new people carrier. So much surplus cash he even purchased a static at Filey!!

It beggers belief


Another couple I know personally both claim, she claims problems with her hips, yet I know it's nothing like as bad as she makes out. One of her four children fell off the swings and she dropped her walking stick and ran over to assist!! Her husband (her carer) has a life of riley. They popped over a few years ago, all six of them in their new people carrier and boasted that they had purchased a 5 bedroom house at Brighton with the intention of converting to flats!!


I could go on and on and on....

Infact I know far fewer people who actually stand on their own two feet than I know parasites who bleat "woe is me" and claim everything.

Edited by mrcharlie
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There is always a persons weight, but some like to think that they can be fat and fit.

We are living longer, but people are claiming that does not mean that they can work for longer, because they are healthier. I disagree.


surely that all depends on the work you do

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surely that all depends on the work you do


It does, my 64 year old sister is in the process of moving to an easier job because she wants to keep earning in retirement.

I have experience of drivers working into their 70s and beyond.

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