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Watching porno at work – is it ever alright?

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Another thing I thought was this:


What if Damon was on his lunch break? Surely that's alright but just not when he's meant to be working.


Well to be fair he shouldn't be rummaging around the underbelly of the internet on a work computer whatever time of day it is.


Runs the risk of catching a virus or something.


I gather this might be a lot to do with when the police raided Damien Green's office 9 years ago - which was illegal.


and then selling the story to the papers, again not something they should be doing.

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Well to be fair he shouldn't be rummaging around the underbelly of the internet on a work computer whatever time of day it is.


Runs the risk of catching a virus or something.




and then selling the story to the papers, again not something they should be doing.


Underbelly? Porn is one of the most popular things on the internet.

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I do not think that the retired police officers should have disclosed this information.

However,now that they have,and Damian Green remains adamant that he was not responsible,it raises the question of who supposedly had access to his office and computer which we assume is password protected.

What confidential information could this insinuated third party have access to.

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Underbelly? Porn is one of the most popular things on the internet.


Yea but they traditionally have been used to serve up viruses, especially through some of the ad networks they are forced to use because alot of mainstream advertisers don't want their products appearing next to a grumble-flick.


---------- Post added 04-12-2017 at 14:03 ----------


What confidential information could this insinuated third party have access to.


Well you'd only need the user name and password to login, and now it seems like MP's think nothing of sharing them.


So I assume anyone who's been in the building could do it as apparently they just scrawl it on the wall for all to see :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Traditionally. Lol.


Anyway, most organisations have policies about internet usage and device usage. If someone else had access to his machine he was in breach of the security policy, if he accessed porn on it he was in breach of the usage policy.

In most places he'd be on a final written warning at least, and given the publicity, dismissed for bringing the organisation into disrepute.

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Traditionally. Lol.


Anyway, most organisations have policies about internet usage and device usage. If someone else had access to his machine he was in breach of the security policy, if he accessed porn on it he was in breach of the usage policy.

In most places he'd be on a final written warning at least, and given the publicity, dismissed for bringing the organisation into disrepute.


Exactly. He's not covering himself in glory whichever way you look at it. But disciplinary action should have been taken at the time. Where's the evidence now? What's going on that it's all coming to light now?


On a different note, assuming it was him and not some phantom pc-sharer who just happened to pop up in his office every time he stopped using his keyboard for a minute....assuming all that...just how big a porn habit would you have to have to be accessing it to that extent at work? Bit obsessive by the sound of things.


---------- Post added 04-12-2017 at 15:44 ----------


Given the topic of the thread, I'm painfully aware that everything I type has the potential to be a bit Finbar Saunders......

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He can’t be sacked as an MP though because he’s not employed in the traditional sense.

Normal organisational policies don’t work the same in parliament because there is no corporate overlord as such.


In any event he’s a dimwit! Everyone knows you look at porn on your own computer not the work laptop!

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I thinks it's despicable that a senior government minister should be viewing porn whether it's legal porn or illegal porn. Personally I'd like to see ALL porn removed off the internet. If you then want that kind if titillation you go to the newsagents and select your choice off the top shelf.

I'm not a prude, but the current news is constantly bringing new stories of those in the spotlight who have committed sex offences in the past, it is no longer acceptable to wolf whistle, the world is changing and maybe attitudes towards women should change too.

The utterly horrific story in the news last week of a 7yr old girl who was repeatedly raped by a group of 10yr old boys using their fingers.....I'm sorry but where on earth did 10yr old boys get the urge to commit such a heinous act??

The porn industry is known to use women trafficked into the sex industry and by viewing it online you are only encouraging this.

The days of benny hill and sexual innuendo have long gone and are now replaced by graphic content that no doubt caters for all sick tastes and desires.

I've no idea how online porn could be policed, but I'm pretty certain it could be totally eradicated if government so wished....clearly they are getting something out of it too...just like the drugs problem.


Money and greed comes before morals and principles.

Edited by mrcharlie
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