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Watching porno at work – is it ever alright?

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Any devices that your employer owns and "loans" to you, are to be used for work and ONLY work. That's if you want to stay out of hot water.


I cannot believe the number of people who feel it's ok to watch porn, check in on Facebook, pay their bills or check their personal emails on company time and with company devices.


I know of someone who got into trouble for checking his personal email on a company laptop during work hours. Turns out he was fighting with someone and nasty emails between him and this person were flying back and forth.


I guess this other person was madder than he thought, because they informed his employer that he was "harassing" them using their equipment while he was supposed to be working. Don't know whatever came of it, but why open yourself up to this kind of trouble?


I thought all MPs were like a small business having an allowance for them to run a office. Would that not make the equipment in it his.

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I thought all MPs were like a small business having an allowance for them to run a office. Would that not make the equipment in it his.


I dunno. This is sort of a gray area, but if it were me I wouldn't take a chance. Just keep all that stuff separate.

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I dunno. This is sort of a gray area, but if it were me I wouldn't take a chance. Just keep all that stuff separate.


Maybe but it is a non-story a distraction. to be honest id like to see what porn it was to put it to rest

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Is their a difference between the savage rape and non consensual sex in Spartacus and Game of Thrones which we have the pleasure of viewing any time day or night.


Strangely enough i have viewed porn yet found it impossible to watch the above mentioned series.

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Would that not be an invasion of privacy though?? Sounds like something that could land them in alot of trouble.


You've sent a device in for repair, you've not given them carte blanche to rummage though your e-mails, documents and social media accounts??


It’s a works phone. They can look at anything they like, they own it and the contents. I have one and it is used for nothing but work.

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Maybe but it is a non-story a distraction. to be honest id like to see what porn it was to put it to rest


It's a distraction, that's for sure! They say that pornography is like art...you know it when you see it. :D


Maybe the type of porn will come out later. Personally, I question the judgement of someone watching porn at work. Like a lot of things, it can wait until you get home.

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Maybe but it is a non-story a distraction. to be honest id like to see what porn it was to put it to rest


According to the retired detective who started all this off, the porn "was of the legal kind".


Which really makes all this a non story, particularly as there seems to be no evidence that proves Green either downloaded it or watched it.



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