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Ex Chaucer School pupils

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I went to Chaucer and remember Mr Fogg the mad teacher - one of the best there - Mrs.Bickerstaff scary as hell when mad and Mr Seal was my form tutor - wow memories coming back now



yeh , i had Geography with FOGG & English with SEAL. Never had BICKERSTAFF as she was lady PE teacher.


When did you leave mate ?


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Edited by Eric_Collins
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Just going through some old threads and came across this. I went to Chaucer between 64 - 68 and prior to that Meynell Road.


The people I used to knock around with were Sue Bentley, Julie Elliott, Beverley Batty, Hazel Betts (who I still stay in touch with). The others I remember are Rita Ransom, Rita Rhodes, Margaret McDonald, Dilys Gannon, Linda France who married John Hudson (they were headgirl and headboy when I was at school), John Bryer.


I remember Mr Fleming although I never had him for a teacher - thank goodness! The other teachers I remember are Mr Hoyland (History I think - believe he married the PE teacher - Miss Robinson). Mr Newham, Mr Plant (think he might have been the Head and came from Meynell Road School). Miss Searle. These are the only ones who spring to mind.


It has certainly been a trip down memory lane reading all the threads. I went to Chaucer in later years to do an evening class and was quite saddened as to how it had gone down hill. I presume that it must be in quite a bad shape now unless they have spent some money on it.


I remember the 6th form block - although I never went in it as I left before the 6th year.


Does anyone from that era remember the "cross country running" we used to do round the "block" of the school. Don't suppose they would allow that these days.


Also, when we had cookery lessons it was often left to pupils to go down to the local shop and buy all the ingedrients. I remember on one occasion going to collect a box full of goods with another girl and we were absolutely frozen when we got back - practically fainting with the cold and the weight of the box. The teachers were wondering where we had got to as it took us so long to carry it back! What memories.


And those bottles of milk!! Well what can be said about those - warm milk at breaktime - yuk!


Hope there are other people out there who remember some of the names I have mentioned. Would be lovely to hear from them.

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My maiden name is Tracey Rowbotham, have a lil girl that's mad about Barbie - hence the name....

There was Jared, Dean and Michael in our class. All the girls knew them! Also, Derrick Walford, Welsey Lynch an all them peeps. Just found this site and it's great!!!


i left in 96 and dont recognise any of those names. was in mrs harvey's class. Remember Mr Palmer for science and Mr seal for english. was in many same classes as Freyas mum (lisa) Remember Mr crowe for maths and mr raine for music (is he actually gay? that was the rumour that was doing the rounds) Nick Wright.

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mr raine - is he actually gay? that was the rumour that was doing the rounds.


Yes, I can say that for definite, because I know someone who had a massive crush on him, it got a bit out of hand, and she got told from another teacher (think it was Mrs Watson that told her) that he was gay.


I used to hate his music lessons. His room smelt like gone off macaroni cheese to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

dont get me started with mr raine....he had a real problem with me, i remember him standing in front of me with his drum stick and banging it soooo hard on the table just mm from my hand...barstool!

because he had a problem with me, he carriewd it on with my youger brothers who were really well behaved pupils. hes an absolute :loopy:

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I was at chaucer when mr raine first arrived appx. 1983 or 4, to replace mr goodier, who was a brilliant music teacher and a top bloke, who he could never have matched.


The reason the room smelled fusty was nothing to do with mr raine's personal hygene. I think it was to do with the fact that some of us misbehaving musiscians who used to spend time in the music centre, filled the pianos with bits of sandwiches at lunchtimes so they would go off and smell nasty!


Mr raine got off to a bit of a bad start because he was quite young and wasn't very good at handling mishchief from lower school pupils who didn't want to be bothered with music. In a small group of older pupils, like us doing O level music in 4th and 5th year, he was a good teacher and knew his stuff, and at times quite funny.

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