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Ex Chaucer School pupils

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if memory serves my right, pearson crashed into upper school gates one morning ,rumour had it that he was still p****d from nite b4, didnt see him much after that, i left in 78

are you sure it was pearson???he left in 73 to go to st.petes,hardy and seaman were there the whole time i was there(72-76),but we only had pearson 72-73.

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I was at Chaucer 1965 - 71 Fred Flemming was my form teacher in 68 Total Nutter . Anyone who was there at that time feel free to reminisce


Yes I was there in 68 along with my best friend Lorna we were always in the principals office I was Ann Hall she was Lorna Wragg .

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Yes I was there in 68 along with my best friend Lorna we were always in the principals office I was Ann Hall she was Lorna Wragg .

fleming got captured by the japs in ww2,thats why he was like he was,he taught at meynell b4 he came to chaucer,im afraid i was starting at chaucer as you were leaving.

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Hardy was there in 72 when I first started,, the games teacher. Dower was... I think he started later after Id began to wag it all the time, I only saw him once or twice, he looked like Napoleon.

dower came 73/74 time.does anyone remember metcalfe exploding with rage in an assembly,joe ketteringham was reading something out,as everyone knows,old joe used to whistle as he spoke,much to our amusement,craig wilde started echoing his whistle,old joe,being deaf,didn,t hear it ,but everyone else did,some teachers even sniggered,not BATMAN,though,he kept ALL the lads behind,telling us it was churlish,mocking our speech,our accents,all the time purple faced,spit flying eveywhere. When he,d finished,he asked if anyone was brave enough to have there say now....silence. Right....GET OUT.....ALL OF YOU. As we filed out,someone,to this day,i dont know who,ran back to the hall doors,and went derra derra derra derra BATMAN....Metcalf again started ranting for us to come back,but we all stampeded away,leaving metcalf purple and foaming at the mouth.

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I was there from '63 to '68. I remember Denise Bishop and Marie Marsden too!


Mr Fleming was the looney who used to put his hand through blackboards and doors and came to school on a honda 50. Then there was Mr Cornthwaite, Mr Eadon, Mr Allsop, Mr Wright, Mr Littlewood.......it's all flooding back now!


Have some great memories of Chaucer though but it seems to have taken a bit of a dive in recent years.


I remember mr cornthwaite he used to throw chalk really hard

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I remember mr cornthwaite he used to throw chalk really hard

mr wright was there when i was there,long black greasy hair and a beard,art teacher.he was always scratchin his head,so ricky collinson and me christmas wrapped 2 bars of red izal soap,and left em on his desk,but vivian dunn & gillian shepherd grassed on us,we had to explain to him why.we made a **** and bull story up,saying there was never any soap in the sink area,luckily he believed us.

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