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Ex Chaucer School pupils

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I tried to deliver a parcel to someone the other month they werent in so i tried the neighbours house....couldnt beleved who answered the door - Mrs.Harvey (tree trunk legs) shes retired now but says she phones Mr.Palmer and some of the other teachers

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Yes trying to contact him a relative of mine does his family still live there, any of his friends I could contact please.


Last i heard of chris he was living in hong kong working as a finacial advisor, who wud have imagined it!

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I was there 1985 - 1989 - Mrs Price was my form tutor and boy, you knew about it if you didnt bring a sick note, late note or a dentist card in if you had time off.


I remember Mr Wells (VERY SCAREY) and Mr Seal (fantastic), Mrs Holmes (too soft), Mr Palmer (Scarey), Mrs Birch (cool-ish), Mr Blackwell (Great), Mr Crowe (the best by far), Mr Hawksworth (delicious), Mr Leighton (somat about him) - god there were loads of em. And most of em taught really well but I expect its alot harder these days with the amount of "unruly children/lack of disciplicine!!!!!!!


When my family used to say "school is the best day of your life" - they were very true words.


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Anyone go to Chaucer School... I was in Mrs.Broadhurst's class some of the other people in my form were Adam Hawley,Scott Bufton,Rachel Harris,Leanna Schofield,Chris Hunter,Kelly Commander,Erica Sheldon,Richard Steadman,Claire Goodwin,Melanie Winn,Neil Piddington,Philip Atkin,Adrian Grubb,Haydn Bedford,James Gillespie,Adele Plumtree,Nicola merton,Carol topliss,Vicky Jennings,Margaret Gray................other people in my year include Peter Sarson,Johnathan Spears,Laura Haigh,Dale Lewis,Dale Jones,Claire Dalton,Amanda Slingsby,Amanda Baratt,Anna Naylor,Christie Wall,Sean Brooks,Peter Cassidy,Maria Brady,Sarah Russel,Keeley Matthews,Helen Roberts,Collette Rodgers,Louise St.clair,Kevin Percivil,Robert Harris,Matthew Addison,Mark Bailey,Ashley Carver,Paul Stratford,Lynn Pashly,Sally Wood,Andrew Gains,Chris Kelly,Robert King,Lee Clarke,David Duffy,.....................and the teachers.......... Mr.Crow(head of halifax/),Mr.Fields (head of wordsworth),Mrs.Broadhurst(home economics/avon lady),Mrs.Harvey(science),Mr.Leighton(p.e),Miss.Price(R.e/check on absentees),Mr.Glover(Geography/),Mr.Fogg(Geography/),Mrs.Peters(art),Mrs.Sellars(drama/),Mrs.Bickerstaff(P.e),Mrs.Birch(P.e/head of year/),Mr.Crane(maths),Mrs.Johns(IT),Mr.Palmer(Dr.who/science),Mr.Richardson(P.e),Mrs.Marsden(maths),Mr.Boreham.oh, and who can forget the lovely Mr.Well's !!




sorry if spellings not too good or I've missed your name out/got it wrong!!


I can remember Mr Wells being the only teacher anyone was intimidated by (is he the one who used to spit in your face as he yelled at you or was it someone else?)


Mr Glover was quite quiet, Mrs Bickerstaff was like Mrs Trunchbull from Matilda, Mrs Sellers was really lovely and lost in fairy land... also remember Mr Crowe, Mr Crane (I can still remember the gay rumours, kids can be so horrid), Mr Fields, Miss Simister (best P.E teacher ever), Mr Raine and his ridiculous stick he'd whack on the table about an inch from you fingers...

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