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Islamist plot to kill the PM in a Downing Street raid

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Funny how they release this success just after they get grief for failing to foil Manchester. Are they banking a few joke successes for after thngs go wrong? This doesn't sound like it was ever a serious threat, more like some drunk people in the pub who are sick of May and her annoying face having a bit of a joke! Be careful what your say on line, you might send up as the next mi5 win!!

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Glad you find terrorist acts funny


Well to be honest some of the 'attempts' are funny in that they are so terribly planned and executed you have to laugh. Trying to ram raid an airport but getting stuck on the HUGE concrete blocks outside. Trying to blow up a bus but messing up the explosive so it just leaked chappati dough all over the bus. Trying to kill the PM by blowing up the doors of 10 Downing Street before stabbing her - having first found a way to get past the armed police at either end of the road, then past the armed police at her door, then be allowed to place an explosive device and having done all that they want to stab her???


All these plots do is remind me that we really have nothing to fear from terrorists. They spend months or even years learning how to cause maximum damage and then can't even make a basic bomb. Absolutely laughable.


The very few that do succeed are of course not funny in anyway, but they are no more unfunny than someone dying in a car accident.

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The thing about terrorism is it not's in anyway funny, ironically if we were discussing someone's insulting behaviour that society now considers to be 'hate crime', people being jokey about it would probably get criticised pretty damn quickly, yet as I see it, blowing kids up at a pop concert is infinitely more hateful than your average hate crime :confused:

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The thing about terrorism is it not's in anyway funny, ironically if we were discussing someone's insulting behaviour that society now considers to be 'hate crime', people being jokey about it would probably get criticised pretty damn quickly, yet as I see it, blowing kids up at a pop concert is infinitely more hateful than your average hate crime :confused:


Oh come on, terrorists are on the whole pretty hysterical. That 4Lions film had it right. Most of them are reduced to either hiring a van or pinching their mum's kitchen knife, and if that's not laughable then I don't know what is.


Add to that their beliefs in a magical sky pixie (God) who gets illiterate Bronze Age thugs (Mohammad / Moses / Smith) to write down the instructions for the 21st Century, and you have a recipe for a record breaking run at the O2 with Michael Mcintyre as the warm up man.


Treat them with the derision they deserve.

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Stacks of plots targeting "plebs" have been uncovered over the years, you just don't hear about them all the time.


Have they been uncovered though. I mean, every time I hear that X number of plots have been foiled in the last X number of days, or X number of weeks, is it just the security services justifying there job. I don't know ?

I mean if it was me in charge I could say, we have foiled 6 plots in the last 4 weeks, haven't we done well, but I have never seen evidence of the foiled plots.

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