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Are you a hoarder?

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I periodically find a drawer full of stuff (normally when I've lost my wallet or something) which I then go through and throw a lot away.

If I've not used it in a year and didn't remember I even had it, I probably don't need it anymore.

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I have loads of old paperwork in a study that I keep putting off tidying out. I do a bit now and again and this gives me a lot of satisfaction on the day, but then I’m back to putting it off which worries me enourmously. The only thing that keeps me going back to it is the thought that if I don't it, my relatives will have to do it one day when I die. So the answer to your question is that I am a hoarder otherwise it would have been done by now. :roll:

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I recently slayed the dragon of clearing out the loft. 7 trips to the tip over a few days with the car completely full each trip it took to do it.


I was going to do it in the new year but I'm glad I've put it to bed now. Its true what they say about tidy house tidy mind.


I've vowed to never let it get that way again, but I know I'm just lying to myself. :hihi:

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I recently slayed the dragon of clearing out the loft. 7 trips to the tip over a few days with the car completely full each trip it took to do it.


I was going to do it in the new year but I'm glad I've put it to bed now. Its true what they say about tidy house tidy mind.


I've vowed to never let it get that way again, but I know I'm just lying to myself. :hihi:


Like it alan, my problem is everytime I go to the tip I finish up bringing back more than I"ve taken:huh:

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Oh. I used to be terrible at hoarding stuff, just terrible.

I vividly remember scouring the classifieds of the Sheffield Star when I was a teenager, grabbed so many bargains!!, Next came the Carboots...more bargains, then the FreeAds later AdMag..more Bargains and finally Ebay arrived Whooo... a never ending stream of parcels began to arrive.


3mths ago I had a purge, several cardboard boxes out of the loft netted me over £5K on ebay!! I'm gradually but systematically selling it all off and going the other way entirely...minimalist.


It feels great to see open spaces empty cupboards, empty drawers etc etc


Should have done it years ago

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Move house, it cures being a hoarder as you realise you really can't be bothered to pack up, store and move anything that's not really required or pay the associated costs!


That is very true, it cured me of filling the loft last time I moved, sadly everything else has filled up to the point where I now dread the thought of moving house, because of all the stuff that might come in handy one day :-)

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