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Council tree felling...

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Birmingham, Liverpool and Slough councils are among the many that disagree with you, and have been happy to put their public first in order to sever ties with them.


The contract with Birmingham for their roads is still in place. The Slough contract for waste disposal expired after the 15 years ending 2017 was up.

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Yeah- they're doing a great job, I stand corrected.


All these court actions and news reports are just the result of people with nothing better to do, just spending their time getting on the back of a good, honest, PFI using multi-national corporation wanting to get on with with their work and do a wonderful job.


Next thing you know people will be getting onto the banks too - where will it end?!


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 16:39 ----------


The contract with Birmingham for their roads is still in place. The Slough contract for waste disposal expired after the 15 years ending 2017 was up.


...because neither managed to get out of it, yes. Not for lack of trying.


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 16:40 ----------


Don’t spoil it for them.



....says the person who didn't seem to know Amey and SCC had anything to do with tree felling!

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because neither managed to get out of it, yes. Not for lack of trying.


And you can evidence that Birmingham are attempting to terminate their contract with Amey, or that Slough attempted to before the contract expired?

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Maybe we should hold a demonstration in opposition to the tree campaigners!

Oh wait. No one else is bothered.


For every protestor there are 10's, maybe 100's who aren't in favour but don't go and protest.


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 16:51 ----------


And you can evidence that Birmingham are attempting to terminate their contract with Amey, or that Slough attempted to before the contract expired?


They went to court over it and the council won.




Amey was contracted in 2010 to carry out a 25 year PFI contract for the city, and ‘all went well for the first three and a half years’ the Court reports.



However the partners fell out from 2014 onwards when it became clear the firm was not carrying out basic works the council felt it was obliged to do.



Sound familiar?


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 16:54 ----------




Peterborough council were voting on whether to terminate a contract.




Wolverhampton terminating an 11 year waste management contract.




Liverpool ends road contract early.

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And you can evidence that Birmingham are attempting to terminate their contract with Amey, or that Slough attempted to before the contract expired?


Via the well documented court case with Amey? Yes- that counts as evidence I think! All the court documents are available online to look at.



Slough have the issue of the £2 million 'overcharge' from Amey.

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Guest makapaka
Via the well documented court case with Amey? Yes- that counts as evidence I think! All the court documents are available online to look at.



Slough have the issue of the £2 million 'overcharge' from Amey.


Birmingham city council have contracted with them again on the cycle lane I mentioned earlier though. What are your thoughts on that?

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Birmingham city council have contracted with them again on the cycle lane I mentioned earlier though. What are your thoughts on that?


It's irrelevant - it's part of the work they're contracted to do. They haven't got out of the contract.


They haven't 'contracted with them again', as that article you linked to clearly states.

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Guest makapaka
It's irrelevant - it's part of the work they're contracted to do. They haven't got out of the contract.


They haven't 'contracted with them again', as that article you linked to clearly states.


Where does it say that?

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