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Council tree felling...

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Anything happening on Sandford Grove ? , Baron


Well Hackey Lad, I thought I leave my response a few days until the weekend. I can tell you that no work has been carried out in the past week by Amey or any other SCC workers.


Maybe the threat of trespass / oversailing on residents properties has put a bit of a spanner in the works?


I have noticed a number of properties on Sandford Grove Rd with posters in their windows, stating that these are private properties but tree friendly people, (protesters presumably), ARE welcome to stand in the front gardens.

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As a Sheffielder back in the 1960s to 80s I loved so many of the tree-lined streets - they made photogenic views when I was starting in photography. I have been horrified by this story, especially as I spent five years in the 1970s producing photographs on the environment and planning for S Yorks County Council and remember how much they differed from Sheffield City Council, but I would never have though this possible.


I'm in Scotland now and in 2009, with co-ordinated help from a neighbour, I halted the cutting down of old yew trees in our town churchyard. I just started photographing the council workers and when challenged said the pictures were going to the press, on line and to the council within the hour - and did exactly that. An hour or two later they packed up and went leaving just three old yews surviving. All those they had 'pruned' except a couple died, and those will take 100 years to recover. The reason was, we believe, a collusion between council staff to cull these trees on a strange excuse that 'druggies were hiding drugs in them' - the objective, a stash of excellent hardwood firewood.

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Sheffield tree protesters will be removed using 'reasonable force'



Worrying bit in bold:


Under the terms of an injunction brought by Sheffield City Council, people are forbidden from entering safety zones set up around trees being felled.


It also forbids people encouraging or facilitating anyone else to breach the injunction, including through social media.

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