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Council tree felling...

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Because as far as I see it the reasons for the protests are:

Environmental impact - but the trees are (or certainly should be being) replaced, thus ensuring street trees for decades to come. Meanwhile across the globe up to 7 BILLION trees (ok thats only from a quick google, so it may be less (or more!)) are cut down each year and not replaced. Now that is worth protesting about, but its not outside yours or mine front doors, so we'll get in the way of tree REPLACEMENTS in our own little neighbourhood instead. That's not on environmental terms for me, its NIMBYism.


Money - Not quite got this one straight, but its either costing too much, a company being paid too much, or not spending enough on it, but either way the protests are clearly making it cost more.

I want the council to do its job - part of which is to manage the environment. From what I can see the impact of this has been positive (as I said before, new paths, new road surface, new trees) and looks set for decades.

I am pleased they've done it.


These are my views. I also respect the protestor's right to make as much noise as they want to about it, there are many people that don't, I just think its effort pointed in the wrong direction whether on an environmental or money basis.




I'm not sure you've grasped this. The point is that the trees DON'T need to be replaced- I'm not sure where your belief they should be comes from. The independent panel certainly didn't come back with that conclusion. The only people who say they need to go are Amey.....


...which brings us to the money point. The reason Amey want them to go is that they don't want to pay to maintain them. Hence people's anger- if they cut them down, no maintaining is necessary.


The argument about NIMBYISM is ridiculous and nonsensical. It's also one often used by people who are happy to do nothing about any problems in society, but also happy to say "the country is going to the dogs" or suchlike.


Should people ignore problems on their doorstep because there are bigger problems in the world? Does that apply to everything, or just tree destruction? Should we also ignore murders in Sheffield because there is genocide in Myanmar? Of course not. By your logic nobody would ever complain about anything, ever. Politicians corrupt? Don't protest - they're more corrupt in Zambia. Streets covered in litter? Don't complain - it's way worse in Mumbai. High pollution? Don't try and sort it out - it's much worse in Shanghai. Etc etc.


It's absurd to claim people shouldn't care about trees in their neighbourhood being destroyed for no reason because there is more widespread destruction elsewhere!

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No, that's quite clearly not true, they've replaced trees for no good reason, that's been very well established now.


Maybe you're just delusional, or you have some other angle, perhaps you work for Amey PR, who knows.


No, sorry to disappoint you just a regular guy, but with a different opinion to yourself.

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Guest makapaka
No sign of any of the replacement trees in my area. Just holes in the ground. And a few half hacked trees that they've left half cut down, presumably as monuments to their own stupidity, and as a reminder to residents?


---------- Post added 14-09-2018 at 10:52 ----------



I think everyone is in favour of carefully managed tree maintenance aren't they? Sadly the Amey approach is very, very far from that.


Hacking something down is much easier and cheaper that maintaining it.


---------- Post added 14-09-2018 at 10:54 ----------



I think people wouldn't accuse you of bias if there was any example, anywhere, of you doing anything but defend the council. On every single issue, no matter the thread or subject. That's quite strange really, isn't it?



Which other subjects?


Tramlines - you managed to dig them out about that.


Grass verges - where I criticised the performance of the council / amey?


The new retail quarter which people seem to have a problem with?


What other issues have I defended which highlight my bias?

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I'm not sure you've grasped this. The point is that the trees DON'T need to be replaced- I'm not sure where your belief they should be comes from. The independent panel certainly didn't come back with that conclusion. The only people who say they need to go are Amey.....


...which brings us to the money point. The reason Amey want them to go is that they don't want to pay to maintain them. Hence people's anger- if they cut them down, no maintaining is necessary.


The argument about NIMBYISM is ridiculous and nonsensical. It's also one often used by people who are happy to do nothing about any problems in society, but also happy to say "the country is going to the dogs" or suchlike.


Should people ignore problems on their doorstep because there are bigger problems in the world? Does that apply to everything, or just tree destruction? Should we also ignore murders in Sheffield because there is genocide in Myanmar? Of course not. By your logic nobody would ever complain about anything, ever. Politicians corrupt? Don't protest - they're more corrupt in Zambia. Streets covered in litter? Don't complain - it's way worse in Mumbai. High pollution? Don't try and sort it out - it's much worse in Shanghai. Etc etc.


It's absurd to claim people shouldn't care about trees in their neighbourhood being destroyed for no reason because there is more widespread destruction elsewhere!


No, by all means complain, my point is just that the proportional effort should be in line with the impact of what you're complaining about.


I'm done with this thread now, I wish you all the best, I also hope the council and its contractors can get on with their jobs, and everyone in Sheffield's streets gets upgraded like mine has been.

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Which other subjects?


Tramlines - you managed to dig them out about that.


Grass verges - where I criticised the performance of the council / amey?


The new retail quarter which people seem to have a problem with?


What other issues have I defended which highlight my bias?


Tramlines has been flogged to a dull major festival company - nothing to do with the council as far as I'm aware....


Grass verges - no idea. Was there a problem with them? I'd imagine there was if Amey are in control of cutting/maintaining them.


Retail quarter? Nope, no idea either I'm afraid. Most people I know now give the city centre a swerve as they're sick of being asked for money/watching drug deals.


I have no interest in trawling your past posts, but wherever someone mentions the council it's a bit of a forum in-joke that you'll pop up in it's defence! Speculation does abound as to why of course.....but that's up to us to ponder and for you to keep secret!


---------- Post added 14-09-2018 at 12:11 ----------


No, by all means complain, my point is just that the proportional effort should be in line with the impact of what you're complaining about.


I'm done with this thread now, I wish you all the best, I also hope the council and its contractors can get on with their jobs, and everyone in Sheffield's streets gets upgraded like mine has been.


What a strange idea. What proportion of effort would you attribute appropriate for people wishing to protect trees in their area?

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Guest makapaka
Tramlines has been flogged to a dull major festival company - nothing to do with the council as far as I'm aware....


Grass verges - no idea. Was there a problem with them? I'd imagine there was if Amey are in control of cutting/maintaining them.


Retail quarter? Nope, no idea either I'm afraid. Most people I know now give the city centre a swerve as they're sick of being asked for money/watching drug deals.


I have no interest in trawling your past posts, but wherever someone mentions the council it's a bit of a forum in-joke that you'll pop up in it's defence! Speculation does abound as to why of course.....but that's up to us to ponder and for you to keep secret!



Well if you’ve no interest in evidencing your statement maybe you shouldn’t make it in the first place.


The “in-joke” is just peoples go to - usually when they don’t have an actual response.


Similar to this example where you have stated I defend the council on every issue but haven’t even seen my comments on four recent discussions and have no interest in reading any others.

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Perhaps this 'quiet majority' could go out and rally in favour of Amey then against these 'bearded classes' who don't especially want to see healthy trees cut down for corporate profit?


I'd wager they probably won't as they'd rather sit on their sofa in front of the television.....and then complain after all the trees in their area have gone.



Why would anyone rally in favour of them doing what the silent majority accept is necessary. That's just silly.


I don't know where you live, but I'm in S7 and from what I've seen the policy of selecting pruning / culling seems sensible and most support it. But, yeah, the protesting class know better than them, so perhaps they will wake up and realise how dumb they are compared to you guys soon enough. That'll learn us.

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Why would anyone rally in favour of them doing what the silent majority accept is necessary. That's just silly.


I don't know where you live, but I'm in S7 and from what I've seen the policy of selecting pruning / culling seems sensible and most support it. But, yeah, the protesting class know better than them, so perhaps they will wake up and realise how dumb they are compared to you guys soon enough. That'll learn us.


If not wanting to see healthy trees destroyed to line the pockets of Amey is 'dumb' then I think we're probably living in quite different worlds.

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