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Council tree felling...

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Guest makapaka
I also walk on sheldon road regularly so I know what it’s like and wouldn’t say it was a ‘disaster area’. Yes, the footpath is uneven in places but it’s hardly impassable and as I understand it there are ways of dealing with that don’t involve chopping down healthy trees.


Trees help mitigate the pollution from too many vehicles on the roads. I have noticed that many of those in favour of chopping down trees are the types that drive everywhere including short trips that are quite walkable. And yet they complain about the state of footpaths.


So you’ve met some people that told you they were in favour of chopping down trees - and they told you they drive everywhere - and then they told you they were unhappy with the state of the footpaths?


That must have been a weird conversation- it’s almost like that conversation set them out as a prime example of someone who fit a mould of an unreasonable opponent to the tree felling programme.

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You should question them on this thread if you want to check makapaka.

Whilst you're at it, ask them about political left/right leanings and level of education. I suspect we'd see a correlation there as well.


---------- Post added 15-09-2018 at 09:09 ----------


You’ve nothing to back that statement up - it’s based purely on your own echo chamber.

Much like the point I was reflecting, did you not notice that?

In fact bendix did it first, so where's the post telling him that his echo chamber anecdotes aren't evidence?


I don’t profess to know - but I would guess the silent majority doesn’t really care - a small amount of people will be against - and a small amount can be bothered to question the protestors actions.


Could well be the case, might not be, you're guessing, I'm basing it on my anecdotal experience as was bendix.

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Could you be any more patronising?


Let me give you some hard examples. Sheldon Road in S7 is a disaster area, where people simply cannot walk on the pavements because the trees have destroyed them. I don't know about you, but when I see young mothers pushing their kids in push chairs on the road beside the traffic, because it's impossible to use the pavement, my instinct is to put their needs over the trees (which, mind you, are suffering becasuse they were planted too close together decades ago).


There are many shades of grey in this discussion. Cheap platitudes about caring about trees sounds good and are so easy to rally behind and look oh-so-caring, but sadly life is a little more nuanced than that.


And, yes, Cyclone. The silent majority do exist. I know and talk to many people who cringe in embarassment at the protesters' one dimensional view which tolerates no deviation. Some of them - god forbid - actually vote Green but realise something needs to be done to preserve the trees for future generations to come.


You guys don't have a monopoly on being right you know, although you do enjoy that position on sanctimony.



For Sheldon Road 23 out of the 28 households who responded to the ITP objected to the trees being removed. So it would seem that your views do not reflect those of the people who live there



Edited by c00kie
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Guest makapaka
For Sheldon Road 23 out of the 28 households who responded to the ITP objected to the trees being removed. So it would seem that your views do not reflect those of the people who live there




What this shows is the vast majority of people aren’t bothered.

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What this shows is the vast majority of people aren’t bothered.

It does indeed show that the vast majority of people on that road aren’t bothered by condition of the trees enough to respond to the survey.


You don't get to claim non-responders support removing the trees any more than others get to claim they support keeping them.

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Yes, a silent majority who we can only assume don't really care, or more likely threw the unmarked brown envelope in the bin as junk mail because the council carefully didn't mark the envelope anywhere as having come from the council, like they do with all their other mail.

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Guest makapaka
It does indeed show that the vast majority of people on that road aren’t bothered by condition of the trees enough to respond to the survey.


You don't get to claim non-responders support removing the trees any more than others get to claim they support keeping them.


I didn’t claim that - I said it showed they weren’t bothered.


I couldn’t have been any more clear.


It also backs up my earlier post that the majority don’t care.

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