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Council tree felling...

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Oddly enough a year ago SCC said that none of the 23 condemned Western Road trees could be saved because it would cost £300K and would require 5m-long pavement build-outs into road for each tree (along with the loss of 35 parking spaces). Now they've just checked again, and all but 3 trees (the dying ones) can be saved, with only 5 built-outs, and at no cost to SCC.


They also stated that the trees could cause the houses to be flooded and become un-insurable. I wonder if this is still the case, or were they just scare tactics to garner support from the residents for the fellings? :suspect:


The farce continues! I'm pleased the council back-tracked in this case but it must be frustrating for the residents of streets who have already seemingly needlessly lost their beloved trees.


Well done STAG.

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Hey I missed this one.


Silly images of the street. That's weak isn't it. I put up some evidence and the best you can do is call actual photos of the street in question 'silly'.

I guess we've proven that you were exaggerating weren't you.

Which explains why you went quiet and only makapaka is left arguing about a point (having carefully forgotten the context of it of course).


---------- Post added 19-09-2018 at 11:13 ----------


That context being (to remind you makapaka) that bendix was claiming the opposite. The silent majority he claimed were in favour of tree removal.

I only claimed the opposite to make it clear how silly the claim is. And I acknowledged that it was anecdotal at the time. See posts 2147 and thereabouts.



I went quiet because i don't really care about the issue and figure it's not worth expending effort on. :hihi:

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