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Rustlings Road. Was out on a run and stopped to watch. People screaming obscenities at the staff.


Thank you. At least we've narrowed it down.


Did no other posters think of asking Emma Jones the simple question of where she actually was, rather than get into a long argument?

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Thank you. At least we've narrowed it down.


Did no other posters think of asking Emma Jones the simple question of where she actually was, rather than get into a long argument?


Think people were too busy foaming at the mouth about evil Amey rather than the protesters who clearly can do no wrong...

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Thank you. At least we've narrowed it down.


Did no other posters think of asking Emma Jones the simple question of where she actually was, rather than get into a long argument?


I'm not sure how knowing where she was proves anything.


She asserted there were videos showing AMEY workers being assaulted by protestors. When challenged she insisted they were in this thread and in the news. It was ascertained the former is not true and apparently google searches show no evidence of the latter.


At some point the poster claimed to have witnessed verbal abuse. But several people questioned the credibility given the previous comments about the videos, and indeed it appears they do not in fact exist. I don't think knowing the road name increases the credibility one bit of the other allegation.

Edited by nightrider
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I'm not sure how knowing where she was proves anything.


She at first asserted there were videos showing AMY workers being assaulted by protestors. When challenged she insisted they were in this thread and in the news. It was ascertained the former is not true and apparently google searches show no evidence of the latter.


At some point the poster changed tactic and claimed to have witnessed verbal abuse. But several people questioned the credibility given the previous comments about the videos. I don't think knowing the road name increases the credibility one bit.


My initial post 236 makes reference to both kinds of abuse. Good effort, though.

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Thank you. At least we've narrowed it down.


Did no other posters think of asking Emma Jones the simple question of where she actually was, rather than get into a long argument?



Not really an argument. People were asking her to back up her claims with some sort of evidence. Which she claimed was available, and was found not to be. Anywhere on the internet, let alone on this forum!


Therefore, her revelation that she witnessed it has been greeted with a large dose of suspicion.


Does anyone HONESTLY think that if Amey, who seem desperate to get people into court, wouldn't have physical and verbal abuse prosecuted?

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Not really an argument. People were asking her to back up her claims with some sort of evidence. Which she claimed was available, and was found not to be. Anywhere on the internet, let alone on this forum!


Therefore, her revelation that she witnessed it has been greeted with a large dose of suspicion.


Does anyone HONESTLY think that if Amey, who seem desperate to get people into court, wouldn't have physical and verbal abuse prosecuted?


I've got no evidence to dispute any claims made by Ms Jones & if she's unable to provide evidence to satisfy posters demands, I wouldn't condemn her for that either. The Internet's a big world & if info can't be found it can't be found. Similarly if Ms Jones says she was present on Rustlings Rd at the time of a protest, I've no evidence to the contrary.


My only experience of the events there are from the media coverage on the local news & what I can drag up from the internet. After digging around, I can't find any evidence of Amey's workers being seriously verbally abused, apart from the odd protester shouting "Are you proud of yourself" & "Shame on you,"


As other posters have said, if protesters had physically attacked Amey staff, those responsible would have been gaoled & it would have been a huge propaganda coup for Amey & SCC. There are no records of any such attacks or court cases.


There are however a large number of videos on the Internet with protesters being manhandled, beyond what I'd call is reasonable force. Here's just one.


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