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Council tree felling...

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Guest makapaka

The thing is - there is an assumption that people are pro-felling or anti-felling when in actual fact both are in the minority. The majority is indifferent.


The indifferent see the protestors as prolonging something that has been decided by an elected council and deemed illegal (in terms of interference) by the courts.


There’s always gonna be opposition to that.

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The thing is - there is an assumption that people are pro-felling or anti-felling when in actual fact both are in the minority. The majority is indifferent.


The indifferent see the protestors as prolonging something that has been decided by an elected council and deemed illegal (in terms of interference) by the courts.


There’s always gonna be opposition to that.


That's a fair point. I'm not convinced most people are indifferent personally, but i have nothing other than personal experience ro back this up, based on conversations i've had wirh various strangers. Perhaps peolle are indifferent? It's very hard to know, as the public has never really been asked. There was a very dodgy survey sent out by amey at one point. I live on one of the roads where apparently all households were asked. My house certainly received no survey, not did any of my neighbours. The fact the public have never been asked their views is a problem in itself.

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The thing is - there is an assumption that people are pro-felling or anti-felling when in actual fact both are in the minority. The majority is indifferent.


The majority of my road responded to the council survey and the majority vote was to retain the trees. They were cut down anyway of course.


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 07:33 ----------


I think the security/amey and the tree fellers have shown great restraint,after all its just another job for them.The protest will continue but the trees will come down regardless.


In what way have they shown restraint?


The council have taken their own councillor to court.


Amey staff have apparently assaulted members of the public.


'Security' are now being employed to manhandle protestors.


Amey have been caught illegally trespassing when explicitly told that they don't have the permission.


Which bit of that is restraint?


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 07:34 ----------


I've got no evidence to dispute any claims made by Ms Jones & if she's unable to provide evidence to satisfy posters demands, I wouldn't condemn her for that either. The Internet's a big world & if info can't be found it can't be found. [/url]


Fair enough. Then I'm in the emperor of China and I can also fly like superman.

I've got no evidence, but the internets a big place, so why hold me to strict proof?


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 07:36 ----------


Rustlings Road. Was out on a run and stopped to watch. People screaming obscenities at the staff.


The road which had massive news coverage due to the 0400 dawn raids and illegal arrests.

And yet none of the screaming of obscenities was reported by the news. :thumbsup:

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Something to bear in mind is that, after nearly 3 years and 1000's of protest events, not a single tree protester has ever been charged with any crime involving harassment, intimidation or violence. It's only SCC/Amey who are falsely trying to portray protesters as violent.

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Something to bear in mind is that, after nearly 3 years and 1000's of protest events, not a single tree protester has ever been charged with any crime involving harassment, intimidation or violence. It's only SCC/Amey who are falsely trying to portray protesters as violent.


Looking at the videos and posts in this thread id say it was protesters portraying SCC/Amey as violent.


Has anyone been charged with any crime involving harassment, intimidation or violence?


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 12:56 ----------


There are however a large number of videos on the Internet with protesters being manhandled, beyond what I'd call is reasonable force.


Just to balance your point, i dont think it is beyond reasonable force.


I think if it was the offenders would have been charged, as you say there is no lack of evidence.


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 13:04 ----------


I'm not convinced most people are indifferent personally


Its important to not base that your personal experience though.


Its easy to convince yourself of anything just talking to your peers.

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Looking at the videos and posts in this thread id say it was protesters portraying SCC/Amey as violent.


Has anyone been charged with any crime involving harassment, intimidation or violence?


---------- Post added 19-01-2018 at 12:56 ----------



Just to balance your point, i dont think it is beyond reasonable force.


I think if it was the offenders would have been charged, as you say there is no lack of evidence.


Actually, not true. There has been numerous allegations of assault by Amey staff. Something even the company have confirmed.


"Amey also confirmed one of its staff was being investigated over an alleged assault at a protest. “We can confirm that South Yorkshire Police attended Abbeyfield Road...and spoke to an Amey member of staff following an allegation of assault.”


Read more at: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/yorkshire-tree-felling-firm-employing-bouncers-to-manage-protesters-1-8566084



On a lighter note, there might be hope. If Liverpool council managed to get out of what they describe as a "nightmare" contract with Amey, six years early, maybe Sheffield council can.




Amazing though that these stories are everywhere regarding Amey (Cumbria council taking Amey to court to try and get away from them etc) yet Sheffield council STILL thought it was a good idea to get involved with them. Anyone capable of using Google wouldn't touch them with a bargepole, surely?


It's like looking up a builder, finding many well documented news articles about them being cowboys, and people having legal battles with them, then STILL deciding they were the best people to use to build your extension. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

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Actually, not true. There has been numerous allegations of assault by Amey staff. Something even the company have confirmed.


"Amey also confirmed one of its staff was being investigated over an alleged assault at a protest. “We can confirm that South Yorkshire Police attended Abbeyfield Road...and spoke to an Amey member of staff following an allegation of assault.”


Read more at: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/yorkshire-tree-felling-firm-employing-bouncers-to-manage-protesters-1-8566084




That article is 27 Many 2017...do you know if they were charged in the end?

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