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Council tree felling...

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Guest makapaka
There's no comparison at all.


Wood for things like that (that isn't recycled, as much of it now is) usually comes from specially dedicated sustainable areas, where trees are grown to be cut down, and immediately replaced.


Maybe a little research and understanding of why people don't protest about items being made from wood is needed, rather than taking the full 'protest is wrong' stance?


Might also be worth pointing out that 'protesting', which you seem to be so keen to mock, is responsible for the standard of life we all now enjoy.


I don’t agree that they’re the same thing either.


The trees are also being replaced in Sheffield though.

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They were talking about ameys subcontractor weren’t they?


Presumably but you'd think the vast, international conglomerate that is Amey, could arrange to have enough of its own workers in place & under its control rather than use a separate subcontractor? In the case of the scheduled work not being carried out in Totley, it wasn't made clear in The Star report whether Amey had decided not to carry out further work & bring in a subcontractor or the subcontractor they did have, had to be replaced?


I'm led to believe that a proportion of the tree felling isn't directly carried out by AMEY but a company called Acorn Environmental Management.


Either way, when you've been given £2.2 billion & you're trying to hold on to as much as possible, while paying your own staff, trying to keep your shareholders happy then having to pay subcontractors to carry out work you apparently can't do, the money is going to start to spread a little thinly, unless corners start to be cut.

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Guest makapaka
Presumably but you'd think the vast, international conglomerate that is Amey, could arrange to have enough of its own workers in place & under its control rather than use a separate subcontractor? In the case of the scheduled work not being carried out in Totley, it wasn't made clear in The Star report whether Amey had decided not to carry out further work & bring in a subcontractor or the subcontractor they did have, had to be replaced?


I'm led to believe that a proportion of the tree felling isn't directly carried out by AMEY but a company called Acorn Environmental Management.


Either way, when you've been given £2.2 billion & you're trying to hold on to as much as possible, while paying your own staff, trying to keep your shareholders happy then having to pay subcontractors to carry out work you apparently can't do, the money is going to start to spread a little thinly, unless corners start to be cut.


Most large contracting organisations subcontract a large proportion (sometimes almost all) of their contracts.


It’s how the industry works and there’s nothing unusual about it.

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Most large contracting organisations subcontract a large proportion (sometimes almost all) of their contracts.


It’s how the industry works and there’s nothing unusual about it.


It might not be unusual but it's clearly not working in Amey's case. Tree felling was, according to the statement made by Amey's Darren Butt on tv last week, due to resume last week and clearly in places like Totley where according to a letter in The Star last week resurfacing work should have been carried out in the area well before Christmas.


Let's also not forget that also a number of roads around Nether Edge have only had partial road & pavement resurfacing which began well over a year ago with work being continually being scheduled, cancelled for no apparent reason, rescheduled & cancelled again.


Think it's about time SCC looked at that contract again & look to see if any penalty clauses can be invoked? Amey are clearly becoming unfit for purpose.

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Guest makapaka
It might not be unusual but it's clearly not working in Amey's case. Tree felling was, according to the statement made by Amey's Darren Butt on tv last week, due to resume last week and clearly in places like Totley where according to a letter in The Star last week resurfacing work should have been carried out in the area well before Christmas.


Let's also not forget that also a number of roads around Nether Edge have only had partial road & pavement resurfacing which began well over a year ago with work being continually being scheduled, cancelled for no apparent reason, rescheduled & cancelled again.


Think it's about time SCC looked at that contract again & look to see if any penalty clauses can be invoked? Amey are clearly becoming unfit for purpose.


I’m not familiar with the delivery programme or the issue with their sub-contractor.


I was just highlighting that it’s wrong to suggest that using sub-contractors is somehow an example of amey failings.

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We've got ourselves into a situation akin to the western front in WW1. Neither side can let go, both want total victory.


Where's Solomon when we need him? Apparently there are about 250 condemned trees left to fell. Let STAG and their allies and Amey/SCC agree that 125 trees will have to go and 125 will stay. Those that stay to be properly protected for the future, those that go to be replaced with suitable younger stock.


Most areas of Sheffield have now lost their condemned trees and the replacements are already planted, or will be very soon. In my area there has been minimal opposition and we've received more trees than have been cut down. I might have liked to see more of the trees replaced that have been removed over the last few decades but there seems to have been no protest about them. The greenery lost from their non-replacement is probably greater than that lost under the present operation.


Let's have a truce, compromise, and let's get the finally agreed 125 trees down and the other 125 properly protected. By the end of March we can then concentrate on sorting out the NHS, fixing homelessness, building more houses, and improving educational opportunities for all. In this city where poverty and wealth both exist we need to he looking to resolve conflict, not bickering over a very small proportion of our millions of trees.


Surely enough is now enough.

Edited by 1978
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Sheffield is made a laughing stock yet again.

It's emabarrassing:blush:


You could also argue that it shows there are people in Sheffield willing to stand up and be counted when it comes to shady and dodgy practices- which shows the city in a good light, in some ways.


I agree though that it yet again presents SCC as a joke, but that's not a bad thing - the more exposure their refusal to tell us how our money has been spent gets the better.


"Campaigners were demanding to see details of the £2.2bn private finance initiative deal (PFI) between Sheffield City Council and Amey, the private contractor carrying out the work.


Chris Rust, who described the protest as peaceful, said: The council has refused to show us the contract and we wanted to make the public aware of that."


Roger Doonan added: "The protest has brought a lot of attention and the more attention that is brought to bear on a £2.2bn deal the better."

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