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Council tree felling...

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I've had enough by now of these tree protesters making use of the fact that they are retired, and better than averagely educated so can make the most of getting publicity for something that the majority of Sheffield doesn't care about.


I now see that the middle classes and the millionaires are joining forces at The City Hall where they can play a gig with the Everly Pregnant Brothers, and listen to Jarvis DJ (!), whilst all feeling good and proletariat about their actions. In reality, these "working class" northern lads wouldn't be getting involved with tree protests if it wasn't taking place outside their posh houses. As the S11 set party on down in the City Hall Ballroom (ironically a council venue), I hope some of them will look at the thousands, nay tens of thousands of pounds that are being spent subsidising their new found hobby of "getting offended".


They weren't tempted out when Sure Starts closed, or when PIP started killing people, or when families were ripped apart because of the bedroom tax. They haven't been seen on the streets of Firth Park getting upset about the raging inequality in our city, or organising a fundraiser for a food bank. But do something that might knock 5K off their house, and they are in the city hall before you can say "champagne socialist".


This is a none issue. They've been thrown out of court three times, let the council get on with the job it was elected to do, and let the police investigate crime.On Facebook today, they were all crowing about how many police they had had up there today, and how much it cost. They didn't mention the those cops may be better employed helping out people in need today, or investigating the rapes of 1500 children in Rotherham. Of course they didn't, because it doesn't affect them.


By the time they've paid the council the rent on the city hall, and hired in a pa and lights, they'll raise next to nothing.They could have chucked in a grand each and raised more. But no-one would have seen that, and I n middle class land, charity is only worth doing if it gets you in the press.


There are those of us who work daily in our communities have looked on with envy at the amount of media being given to this story, it's taken all the noise, as it's taking all the money.


For gods sake, get it over with then they can go back to pretending they're working class because their Dad once walked past Steel Peach and Tozer.



Had it sold out before you got to buy a ticket?


Is that why you’re sore?


I’ll give you mine if you like:)

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Had it sold out before you got to buy a ticket?


Is that why you’re sore?


I’ll give you mine if you like:)


That's the problem we have today. You genuinely think that don't you?


No, I'm annoyed at the way we've allowed ourselves to become so centered, and forget our neighbours. And the way that this tree situation has blown up is ridiculous. We don't need sanctimonious musicians with privately educated kids to tell us how to protest. We need to kick down the barriers that mean they will live 15 years longer than if they were growing up in Firth Park.


---------- Post added 27-02-2018 at 13:50 ----------




As for the Rotherham rapes- it's not like the police occupied with the protests would be doing anything about them, is it?


They can either spend the money on the extra police that were used yesterday, or spend it shoring up the team investigating CSE. They can't spend it twice. Protesters know they are costing the city and SYP money, and they don't care. They are the most selfish of protesters. At least the people at the fracking protest have some kind of environmental argument, this crowd just want to keep the value of their vastly inflated houses up, whilst most young adults can't get anywhere near a house.

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Wow this topic is getting a bit hot moving away from the tree felling and starting to get a bit personal. How many protesters turn out for these protests it sounds like thousands going by the way they think they can influence the next elections. What is the alternative vote , is there a candidate that is saying he will stop the felling even though in some cases it may be justified .

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That's the problem we have today. You genuinely think that don't you?


No, I'm annoyed at the way we've allowed ourselves to become so centered, and forget our neighbours. And the way that this tree situation has blown up is ridiculous. We don't need sanctimonious musicians with privately educated kids to tell us how to protest. We need to kick down the barriers that mean they will live 15 years longer than if they were growing up in Firth Park.


---------- Post added 27-02-2018 at 13:50 ----------



They can either spend the money on the extra police that were used yesterday, or spend it shoring up the team investigating CSE. They can't spend it twice. Protesters know they are costing the city and SYP money, and they don't care. They are the most selfish of protesters. At least the people at the fracking protest have some kind of environmental argument, this crowd just want to keep the value of their vastly inflated houses up, whilst most young adults can't get anywhere near a house.


I think you're missing the point though- all the things you say need attention absolutely do - they're all wrongs. But I think a lot of the people you are criticizing are also on your side with those things and really aren't the enemy. Their reasons for their campaigning are on similar lines to yours- they see an injustice (in this case the trees and the PFI deal) and are fighting it, with the means they have. I think if you looked into some of these people you will find they have also made efforts in other areas and against other things.


As for protesters costing money - that's always the case, no matter what you are protesting against, but shouldn't be seen as a reason not to protest. After all what's the alternative? A ban on protesting.


People protesting against wrongs in society are all basically in the same camp- no matter where they come from, what they earn, or what wrong it is they are protesting against. Everyone needs to support each other and move forwards together- divisions are exactly what people who wish to control other want and thrive on, as we are seeing across the world.


Your issues are very important to you, to me, and to others. As are the trees and the PFI deal. It doesn't need to be an either/or situation, which wrong you are against.

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Investigation continues into arrests as Sheffield tree felling works resume



A force spokeswoman said the tree 'was on private property and not due to be felled but the reason the man was arrested was because he climbed above the safety zone'.
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Guest makapaka
Youtube video showing Amey security assaulting an elderly protester at Abbeydale Park Rise today-



Did the police arrest the amey guys?

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Did the police arrest the amey guys?


Of course not. The police have consistently ignored all actions by SIA security staff on the general grounds that they're using "reasonable force to prevent a crime" - that crime being the incredibly serious breaking of section 303 of the highways act (which carries a maximum fine of £200, plus £5 per day of continuing and doesn't give you a criminal record).


On the other hand, they arrested the guy that tried to help the woman.

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Did the police arrest the amey guys?


Why would they. They used reasonable force, that of laying hands on to remove the protesters from the excluded area.

You know, like a doorman can remove you from a pub for being an idiot.


---------- Post added 06-03-2018 at 09:12 ----------


Of course not. The police have consistently ignored all actions by SIA security staff on the general grounds that they're using "reasonable force to prevent a crime" - that crime being the incredibly serious breaking of section 303 of the highways act (which carries a maximum fine of £200, plus £5 per day of continuing and doesn't give you a criminal record).


On the other hand, they arrested the guy that tried to help the woman.


Because he did commit an offence by putting hands on the security staff.

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