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Homeatherapy:and arthritis

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My wife suffers with mild arthritis which inflames her joints for days. Having tried the conventional medicines without much sucess I wondered if anyone out there had any ideas on how to alleviate the pain. I have bought her some Homeatherapy tablets from the chemist but don't really know what to buy.


Any ideas please folks :help:

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Your wife needs to cut acid and acid-forming foods out of her diet. I can email you a low-acid diet sheet if you PM me your email address.


If you want to take the homoeopathic route, it might be an idea to go for a consulatation; you get a great insight as to what it's all about and you get to talk about yourself for over an hour :thumbsup: which in itself is very therapeutic :)


In the meantime, get her to drink lots of water and avoid obviously acidic foods.


There is a great book called Curing Arthritis the Drug Free Way (check Amazon) and the story of its author is quite compelling.

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Firstly, there is no cure for Arthritis. You can however lessen the effects that it has on your life, by following a few simple rules, and one of those rules is that you must remember that the main person to benefit from books on Arthritis is the Author, and all others are secondary.


As Lizz says, cutting out acidic food can help ,but not always. Try to find out exactly what kind of Arthur your wife is suffering from, and then come back to us so we can offer specific advice.


Feel free to PM me if you want to know the whole sordid history of the many and varied treatments that I have tried over the years, it may save you from wasting many hundreds of pounds.

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My wife suffers with mild arthritis which inflames her joints for days. Having tried the conventional medicines without much sucess I wondered if anyone out there had any ideas on how to alleviate the pain. I have bought her some Homeatherapy tablets from the chemist but don't really know what to buy.:


I use glucosamine sulphate. Morrison's own brand 500gm one-a-day tablets cost £1.89 for a box of 30. Currently, they are on offer at two boxes for £3.00. Unfortunately, they sell out as fast as they stock the shelf. The positive effects take about two months to come into effect. Glucosamine sulphate isn't a drug and can be taken alongside other prescription drugs.


It's important to understand that glucosamine sulphate isn't a cure, that it is claimed only to slow further deterioration of the coating on the ball joint. Having said that, it does seem to alleviate my symptoms. I've experimented by taking it for several months and then stopping the dosage. The symptoms worsened. I began taking the glucosamine sulphate again and the symptoms lessened. My wife also reports positive results, and my two 12-year-old dogs have responded favourably too.


I also take one 75gm aspirin daily. This amazing chemical has many positive effects: from dramatically reducing the chances of heart attack to reducing the chance of Alzeimer's disease and some cancers. Even in small doses it seems to alleviate my symtoms. Seek professional medical advice, however, if you have a history of stomach trouble or are currently on alternative medication for heart or blood disorders.


Next, buy a microwaveable poultice pack from Boot's or similar. Heat treatment is instantly effective for reducing pain and stiffness.


Also, mild exercise is essential to keep the sinews and muscles that support the joint in good working order. Short distance walking is a useful method.


Good luck.

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You should also be aware that most members of the medical and scientific community consider homeopathy to be a load of old tosh, to use a technical phrase.


Still, the placebo effect can be useful, and if homeopathy makes any positive difference to anyone's illness - by whatever method - then great.

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I know, it's well weird, and it puzzles me continuously. There is no scientific evidence for homoeopathy to work, and has even been tested on TV, but it does. Not always, and not for everyone, but it's the same with other meds.

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I'm also very interested in any advice anyone can offer. My 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with this nasty disease 2 years ago, in every joint in her body. Her Consultant at The Royal Hallamshire is treating her with Methotrexate, a particuarly toxic drug, side effects aplenty, including infertility. Shes almost pain free at the moment, but at what cost? Given that she is only 19 and this will be with her for the rest of her life, I'd like to find an alternative that offers the same level of pain relief. Her Consultant seems reluctant to discuss any alternative. He's advised that if she didnt commence with the Methotrexate, she would, almost certainly, be wheelchair bound by the time she is 30 - a very worrying thought.


Any advice, either tried and tested of hearsay would be very welcome. :help:


Sorry for hijacking your post Mountainbike, but this is a subject very close to my heart, for obvious reasons.

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Ellybum, I'd be very wary about asking for advice on a forum such as this for such a serious problem, particularly about asking for hearsay advice. I understand, of course, that you want to do everything you possibly can to help your daughter, but hearsay advice is one of the very last things you need.


If you want to get advice from someone other than your daughter's consultant, then I'd seriously consider trying to get a second opinion from a medically qualified professional.


I know people on this forum will want to help, but really the only advice you should consider seriously is that from a professional. Even if there's someone on here who has - or has experienced - a similar illness, individual cases differ, and can require different treatment.


Sorry to sound so negative. Best wishes to you and your daughter.

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I agree 100% with Hecate, and would also add that you can spend a small fortune (I speak from experience here) on so called wonder cures that not only don't work, but in some cases are damaging to your health as well as your wealth.

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