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Am I alone or do interviewers always seem to ask the wrong questions a

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Thats the interviewees problem. Give em enough rope and they will hang themselves.


Its certainly not up to the interviewer to terminate early and walk away. You really think a programme maker or even the public audience will accept 10/15/20 minutes of dead air because an interview is terminated on the basis of someone not liking the answers.


it not likeing the answers, it being given guff answer and talking themselve out of airtime we have all seen it. I just wondered f they got terminated for it, how long would it take them to come prepaared. and it not hard to have 15 min fillers prepare if they did leave

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Am I alone or do interviewers always seem to ask the wrong questions and accept none answers?


Yes and yes.


Some interviewers are good and push for answers, but many are not.


The same goes for news programmes. Listen carefully and what sounds like an answer or explanation in tone and syntax is nothing of the sort, but just meaningless guff.


More and more, News programmes seem to give the appearance of informing the public when in actual fact they say nothing.

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There's definitely been a change in the way that interviews are being conducted, especially of politicians. It seems to be more about the ego of the interviewer, and their ability to try and catch whoever is being interviewed out.

Some interviewers are just plain rude with their constant interrupting.

Having said that if politicians were a bit more straight forward, maybe the interviewer wouldn't need to be so confrontational.

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i think so or talk the time away, would you like to see an interview to dismiss them when they try, like saying if you're not going to reply we will stop or if you're not prepared you no good we will stop. Paxman used to come close it never did.



Seen Andrew Neil do it several times.



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Forgot this classic, from 1997 I think.


Paxman, the presenter of Newsnight, asking Michael Howard the same question (“did you threaten to overrule him?”) twelve times before letting go without an answer.


I think this was the right question, as Howard was stumped, and could not answer.



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I have come to the conclusion that politicians have ready made answers for awkward questions.


They certainly have ready made answers to the questions they wish you'd asked them.


Have lot track of the times I've seen one asked a question, and the politician goes off on a tangent and answers a completely different question, or just talks about whatever it is they want to talk about.

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Who, what, where, when, why.


This is how questions should start. You can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times you hear any interviewer start a question with one of these, per day.


Too many want the interviewee to confirm or deny a statement. Like 'Are you still beating your wife?'


It takes time though and it’s rare that interviews have that luxury.

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