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Wind Turbine experiment

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I am looking for a suitable place to build a novel wind turbine with a hoped for output of 2KW.


It will be experimental and I will build it to be movable to avoid plannimng laws. I want to build it quickly rather than weight years.


Size about 3m wide by 6m high.


The site will need to be in a windy location with reasonable acces to grid power/some sort of building connected to the grid. And, hopefully, not too many neighbours who would cmplain about it.


Some people do the lottery. Others, more mad types, do this sort of thing.






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I am looking for a suitable place to build a novel wind turbine with a hoped for output of 2KW.


It will be experimental and I will build it to be movable to avoid plannimng laws. I want to build it quickly rather than weight years.


Size about 3m wide by 6m high.


The site will need to be in a windy location with reasonable acces to grid power/some sort of building connected to the grid. And, hopefully, not too many neighbours who would cmplain about it.


Some people do the lottery. Others, more mad types, do this sort of thing.







I quite understand why "want to build it quickly rather than weight years", that's heavy man :thumbsup:


Try one of the farms up High Bradfield area, plenty of wind up there.


Or you could try the town hall, plenty of hot air blowing round there.

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It will be experimental and I will build it to be movable to avoid plannimng laws.

I don't think that will help you to avoid planning laws and enforcement by the council will be expensive. It's almost guaranteed that neighbours will be on your case within minutes of it appearing. It might not be as difficult as you think to get planning but you'll need to be compliant with the microgeneration scheme, which I assume you will be aiming for anyway if it's ultimately going to be commercial.

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Tim Grindley,


I'm really interested in your design. Could you please describe it in more detail?If at any time in the future you are interested in building a more permanent structure. You can find the construction details for a Michell -Banki Turbine.

I posted the construction details under my name on the thread Micro Hydro.


Good luck with your project.

Edited by petemcewan
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Tim Grindley,


I'm really interested in your design. Could you please describe it in more detail?If at any time in the future you are interested in building a more permanent structure. You can find the construction details for a Michell -Banki Turbine.

I posted the construction details under my name on the thread Micro Hydro.


Good luck with your project.


I failed to find the thread you posted in.


But here are the basic ideas of my design;


I am using a cowel to direct the air flow down, induce a spin and then to a centrifugal turbine which has a vertical axis. The exhaust is taken from the centre of this (obviously) and directed upwards and out of the back of the cowel.


The cowel turns to face the wind slowly. This will need a powered system. It also has louvres on the front face to allow control of wind when it would be too fast or when snowing. I have not worked out a way to get it to work with snow comming in. Rain is OK but not snow.


So far I have built a small model and straped it to the roof of my van to test it. At 35mph it is spinning faster than my wife can count and starts spinning at 15mph.


The next step is building one which will produce some comercail electricity.

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