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Memorial tree decision - Town Hall 13/12/17

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I'm sure there are a million threads regarding the tree issue as a whole, however I am trying to make this specific to the happenings at the Town Hall this evening.


I was just notified of a live stream via The Star on social media. It was a live stream from the consultations and supposed decisions surrounding the future of the memorial trees that are scheduled to be removed.


I have tried to be impartial to the whole tree thing as a whole, not because I don't care (I do have my opinions however don't for one minute think that our individual opinions matter on this subject), but as a whole it seems quite a fiery debate which has captured global imagination......and well, as a general ruling I guess I am a little too long in the tooth to get involved in such heated debates.


Anyway the stream was a poor one or at least the sound on the feed was minimal to the extent that I don't have the foggiest of the conclusion. Can anybody shed any light on the final outcome / verdict?

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It looks like the council have voted in favour or removing the 41 memorial trees and planting 300 new ones in parks across the city.

Whilst i am broadly in favour of the removal of SOME of the trees i think a special case should have been made for these trees on Western Road.The council have not shot themselves in the foot here...more like the head.

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The Council have bent over to Amey and have allowed themselves to be shafted.


Apparently a "war memorial" is not a physical thing, more it is an idea, therefore the physical war memorials planted by the children from the school from which the soldiers who died came from are not worth a bean, because the same memorial trees can be planted elsewhere.




The Labour Councillors should be ashamed of themselves.

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Guest makapaka

Lived in the area for years - never heard anyone mention these trees until this point.


Accept that people may not want them removed - don’t really accept the argument that it’s due to a memorial - think that’s something people have used to support the argument to keep them.

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Why do you think no-one cares about that? Perhaps you could enlighten people as to what happened to it, and also explain what you are doing to get it returned.


Because there's been very little interest (on here, rather than other places) to indicate you care.


So, a natural conclusion is, you don't.


It's not about memorials, just trees to some, and some other people notice a bandwagon being jumped on.


Now you prove I'm wrong...

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Because there's been very little interest (on here, rather than other places) to indicate you care.


So, a natural conclusion is, you don't.


It's not about memorials, just trees to some, and some other people notice a bandwagon being jumped on.


Now you prove I'm wrong...


Your arguments are just whataboutery. Because people have not protested about X, it means they should not protest about Y.


What have you personally done to try and get the crimea memorial put back?

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