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Do you get time to listen to music?


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How many hours a week do you actually have to listen to music, or do you just listen to music on the go?
You should ask that of the poor retail workers in shops with Xmas music constantly on morning-til-late :D


I have very eclectic musical tastes, always have, ranging from classics to hard dance with most variations in-between (-short of pan pipe stuff/elevator music, though :D)


I listen mostly to Classic FM in car (relaxes me, makes drive slower and more considerately), morning and evening commutes. So at least an hour a day, aggregate, but frequently more.


Bit more Classic FM, or <random> via Internet Radio (some really wonderful stuff out of South America :)), at home when I'm doing <stuff> (chores, reading, gardening).


And we have 'music nights' with my wife and daughter once a week on average, random-browsing music video clips on Youtube, from contemporary back to 80s in round-robin fashion. That's less "pure" music listening than a radio, of course...but I'd still class it as listening to music.


Listening through standard car radio, via TuneIn (Internet radio app) or Youtube or TV radio stations (many UK radio stations are available as Freeview channels) piped through our 5.1 system or quality portable speakers via Bluetooth, or through standalone Internet radio, or via headphones...not short of technical systems, like most anyone nowadays.

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Few years ago the beloved got me an ipod. With the help of my tech-savvy son, I have now just short of 10,000 songs inputted on to it. A mixture of radio downloads, CDs, Dropbox gifts and vinyl I've converted into MP3s. It's completely changed how and when I listen to music. Before, it was either listening to stuff in my Man-Cave or playing CDs in the car.

Now, with the ipod, I can listen while walking the dogs, tune in on my daily commute to & from work on the bus, laying in the bath, making lunch when I'm on my own etc etc.  Very similar to the Walkman revolution in the 80s, but without the dead battery and chewing up tapes issues. 


It has reinvigorated my interest in music.

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I have tinnitus so I don't do silence.  Wherever I go there is some form of music or a podcast or radio happening, and all unpleasant jobs are a little bit easier with happy music playing.  My house has a network of connected speakers which can all play properly synchronised from the same CD, listen to DAB radio or stream from my phone, a memory stick or the internet- or they can all do different things if you want them to.  Mostly I control what they are doing from my phone as I'm doing my stuff.  Sometimes I just have background disturbance so the house isn't silent, but most of the time I'm singing along as I do stuff. 


I'd much rather have music than the TV, and my OH has got quite used to me turning the TV off every time the option is left to me.

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35 minutes ago, medusa said:

I have tinnitus so I don't do silence. 

Oh, I'm with you on that one.


I have to have something on that makes noise! I don't listen to as much music as I used to at home. In the car there's a good selection of tinnitus beating heavy rock to listen to. I have a huge library of music...might be time to sort and start listening at home again.

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I started with tinnitus about 20 years ago, it was awful when it first started, especially when I went to bed.  I didn’t know where to put my head to try and stop the buzzing and hissing noises. Over time I found out that having the TV on seemed to help, so first thing in the morning I turn the TV on, now I have learnt to live with tinnitus.


I listen to music in the car most of the time.

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