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What is trolling??????

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may i suggest you look at the trolling master's on here going under the names

( teabag youwhatref kathythebean starsparkle carcrash disco-cat kenh ) these people do not have there own views but have been been brainwashed by there liberal leftwing buddies so have to troll the internet .

What a fantastic idea! Brainwashing by a central cult of liberal lefties into mindless trolling of the internet. Coercion into spreading their vile, do-gooder influence everywhere.


So, who's in charge of carrying out the brainwashing? Are secret messages left in one of the Guardian supplements? I think we should be told...

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Being an old feller, I always thought a Troll was a mythical creature that stood under a bridge trying to catch children as they walked over it. My mother used to read me a story about Trolls, but can’t remember much more — except that the Troll went “trip-trap’” over the bridge!

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Being an old feller, I always thought a Troll was a mythical creature that stood under a bridge trying to catch children as they walked over it. My mother used to read me a story about Trolls, but can’t remember much more — except that the Troll went “trip-trap’” over the bridge!


That was the 3 billy goats storey I think

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That was the 3 billy goats storey I think


Thanks for that, Bambi. Being a Billy Goat Gruff ( and suffering from old age) I’ve probably got my fairy stories mixed up. But there was definitely a Troll in one of those stories! And a nasty Troll at that! I wonder, does the word ‘trolling’ come from that? I’ll check my dictionary.

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Got it! See last entry, Scandnavian folk-lore. I just knew they lived under bridges!


troll1 (tr?l)


v., trolled, troll·ing, trolls.


To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.

To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.

To trail (a baited line) in fishing.

Slang. To patrol (an area) in search for someone or something: “[Criminals] troll bus stations for young runaways” (Pete Axthelm).


To sing in succession the parts of (a round, for example).

To sing heartily: troll a carol.

To roll or revolve.


To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.

To wander about; ramble.

Slang. To patrol an area in search for someone or something.

Music. To sing heartily or gaily.

To roll or spin around.


The act of trolling for fish.

A lure, such as a spoon or spinner, that is used for trolling.

Music. A vocal composition in successive parts; a round.

[Middle English trollen, to wander about, from Old French troller, of Germanic origin.]


troller troll'er n.

troll2 (tr?l)


A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.

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may i suggest you look at the trolling master's on here going under the names

( teabag youwhatref kathythebean starsparkle carcrash disco-cat kenh ) these people do not have there own views but have been been brainwashed by there liberal leftwing buddies so have to troll the internet .


I think it's you Bob Ewell who's the one trolling in this thread.


What often happens on internet forums such as this one is that if trolls remain and become regular members of the site, they tend to mellow eventually. The initial intention of the troll is to cause as much reaction and controversy as possible, but as they come to feel like a regular established member, they settle for less inflammatory viewpoints.

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may i suggest you look at the trolling master's on here going under the names

( teabag youwhatref kathythebean starsparkle carcrash disco-cat kenh ) these people do not have there own views but have been been brainwashed by there liberal leftwing buddies so have to troll the internet .


I'd agree with some of them, a bigger bunch of trolls you've never wish to meet. Well spotted that man

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This Thread is a classic example of trolling.



I disagree.


It is a volatile subject with polarised viewpoints.


The thread starter is known from other posts to have an opinion on the subject.


.... but that original post is looking for opinions, uses articles from the national press and does not give any inflammatory comments.


He may be 'trolling' (who knows?) but the post as a 'stand-alone' post, is far from a 'classic troll'.

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