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What is trolling??????

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I'd agree with some of them, a bigger bunch of trolls you've never wish to meet. Well spotted that man


Err...no - you may disagree with them but they usual put forward well reasoned arguments - as do the likes of timo and LordChaverly from another viewpoint.


A "troll" will usually just make an assertion eg. "The country has gone PC mad because you'll get arrested if you fly the English Flag. This is because we don't want to upset Muslims."

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I hadn't heard the term used in that context before. It's a pity Bartfarst doesn't still have his custom title: 'Chief Forum Troll'. Oh, the irony... ;) .

I'm afraid the mods stripped me of my coveted title as a punishment for speaking my mind about the disgusting nature of homosexual sex.

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Err...no - you may disagree with them but they usual put forward well reasoned arguments - as do the likes of timo and LordChaverly from another viewpoint.


A "troll" will usually just make an assertion eg. "The country has gone PC mad because you'll get arrested if you fly the English Flag. This is because we don't want to upset Muslims."

So, based on your logic, is it trolling if somebody makes a sweeping assertion, irrespective of whether they genuinely believe in it?


I was under the impression that trolling was making deliberately exaggerated or inflammatory remarks just to wind up the easily-baited.


The two are very different - I, in case you haven't noticed, am regularly accused of trolling just for stating my opinion. It might be a fairly extreme opinion on occasion, but I do not exaggerate it.

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Real "Trolling" requires intent.


It is usually a track record that will reveal a 'troll' as opposed to any individual post being recognised.


It can be revealed as the thread progresses, but it is not always clear.


Some innocents do, sometimes, suffer in the eagerness to accuse.

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I'm afraid the mods stripped me of my coveted title as a punishment for speaking my mind about the disgusting nature of homosexual sex.

Oh dear. That's a shame. It was so accurate too. Never mind. Maybe you could have 'Pantomime Dame' instead? ;) .

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So, based on your logic, is it trolling if somebody makes a sweeping assertion, irrespective of whether they genuinely believe in it?


I was under the impression that trolling was making deliberately exaggerated or inflammatory remarks just to wind up the easily-baited.


The two are very different - I, in case you haven't noticed, am regularly accused of trolling just for stating my opinion. It might be a fairly extreme opinion on occasion, but I do not exaggerate it.


Trolling is all about provoking a reaction. Whether or not the poster believes in what they're saying is irrelevant. If the intent is not to simply state their viewpoint but to provoke a reaction, that's a troll.


Trolling can take many different forms, but people who regularly use internet forums can usually spot them. The bored teenage boy kind of trolling is so blase and predictable that people can spot it a mile off, and such people are usually viewed with contempt by an internet regular.


Some trolling can be quite subtle though. Slimsid is a troll, but he's a good one because many people here seem convinced that he is actually a real person. The key to his success is that he's been patient and consistent with his assumed persona.

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Trolling is all about provoking a reaction. Whether or not the poster believes in what they're saying is irrelevant. If the intent is not to simply state their viewpoint but to provoke a reaction, that's a troll.


Trolling can take many different forms, but people who regularly use internet forums can usually spot them. The bored teenage boy kind of trolling is so blase and predictable that people can spot it a mile off, and such people are usually viewed with contempt by an internet regular.


Some trolling can be quite subtle though. Slimsid is a troll, but he's a good one because many people here seem convinced that he is actually a real person. The key to his success is that he's been patient and consistent with his assumed persona.

I can't deny the logic behind your post.

However, two things spring to mind:


Firstly, is it not the intent of debate to promote exchange? That being so, is any challenging statement to be viewed as trolling?


Secodly, you assume that people think about the interpretation of their comments by all and sundry. Is it not possible that people can come out with their own genuinely-passionate views without any intention of winding up the 'opposites', but also without a care as to whether the troll-criers start hopping up and down on the spot?


I, for one, want to say it as I see it and give not a fig for the do-gooders who object.

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Say what u mean, and mean exactly what u say. Don't be hypocritical along the way. Is what I believe.


For what it's worth, here is my two pence on 'trolls'. I do have my own definition of what is a troll. Though, for some people, they may see it differently.


Depending on the age of the person, and the reson and agenda of the reader. People come online for different reasons. I find it quite rude to sweep everything and anything which remotely promote a debate to be 'trolling'.


Yes, indeed, I saw a recent thread about child benefits which started by a Mod, which indeed had a 'trolling' nature, but it was well received, and the members kept it on form. Which I found quite refreshing to read for a change.


If a thread is deemed as trolling, as members we're also in control to ignore it. Or to let it die. For those that do want a debate, and it means exchange from two ways on the topic, then it is not trolling as such.


For myself, I do find it intriguing, and I do learn a lot about myself online, since I never knew of such 'passion' it drums up within myself, whenever I read certain topics, which I would never ever consider or thought about before.

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There is a subtle difference between a genuine troll and someone who just has different opinions to the majority, and you can see that difference between say Bartfarst and Royjames. The former is a troll, the latter has non-mainstream views - he argues, but does not deliberately goad. I'm a veteran of forums and I can sniff out a troll from a mile off. The former displays all the classic signs, including whining that his 'free speech' is being curtailed when criticised. He also carefully picks out posts where he can make a sly point - including one recently where someone posted about her job and he made a sly and thoroughly unpleasant dig about the girl not earning very much. Claiming to have been in the military is also a common troll trait (as are most Walter Mitty style claims, and they will always claim to live in the best part of town or have a great career). The digs are usually very well constructed when they come from a seasoned troll, and they will often claim to know nothing about trolling and even act quite hurt when accused of being one.


Depends if we find a troll to be a nuisance or not. Another forum I go on has strict rules on not feeding them, but we do all like to give them secret bad rep just to see how low they can go before being banned. It's great fun when they are trolls from one particular troll club forum, which I have managed to infiltrate, so I know when they are planning an attack. Sometimes its fun feeding them, it can liven things up. Personally I like doing it, but you do have to realise they exist to offend and that's not a game everyone likes playing.


The other problem is that while a troll can be entertaining, they of course can seriously offend some members who will simply be driven away, and a forum will lose members, probably very good ones. They can also stifle true debate as they hijack threads on a mission to offend and upset.

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