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Scumbags out on Lindsay breaking into vehicles again.


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............and merry Christmas to some, in the same area, who have caused damage to my son's fence which he can't afford to repair seeing as they are already relying on contributions from family to feed their 2 young children and pay bills - despite him and his partner both working. And yes, the children were planned as they could well afford them at the time - not their fault that one of their wages has been cut by over £400 a month.

Mindless damage may not look much but can have a huge impact on some people especially when they are already feeling the pinch.

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I didn't know where Lindsay road was so I looked it up. I see it's on Parson Cross.


There's a website which gives a general description of the area and this is what it says...


Demographic Area Profile - CAMEO Summary

Area: S5 7WF

Area Type: Poorer Council Tenants Including Many Single Parents


The residents of this group typically occupy low quality terraces and small flats in cosmopolitan towns and suburbs. The majority rent social housing from the council or through housing associations, although some are struggling to pay a mortgage. Within these neighbourhoods live poorly paid office and manual workers. Educational attainment is very low and unemployment is the highest in the UK. These are generally family and single areas. They are typically credit hungry, striving to make ends meet and are often unable to meet repayments. These individuals more often than not read the tabloid press.

I don't know Lindsay road personally, although I was in that area a while ago watching junior football and it struck me as being pretty rough.


I grew up in an old terraced house, amongst a long row of similar houses. Most people who lived there were poor, including my parents. But people looked out for each other. There was none of that kind of mindless vandalism going on and if there had have been the whole community would have come together to sort it out.


Is this the problem in your area? Is there any sense of "community" and looking out for each other? And if not, why not?


I just think that may be the answer to resolving some of these problems?

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It's a disgraceful part of the City and realistically anybody living there or close by should think about moving for a better standard of living.


That’s just not posssible for some people! Did you see Jen17’s post? Moving house is very expensive and if your current area isn’t very good and you’re struggling to manage, how do you afford a “better standard of living”!?

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Agreed, I live further down the road near the Asda at Chaucer and luckily we are moving out just after Christmas.


Moving out of Sheffield completely.


I feel sorry for the people who are unable to move, as the area I live in has gone downhill in the last 10 years since I moved in. :(


It's a disgraceful part of the City and realistically anybody living there or close by should think about moving for a better standard of living.
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Yeah, it was all my fault! :hihi:


Seriously though, when I moved in 10 years ago the tenants on the street were reasonable if not brilliant.


Since then i've noticed a lot more antisocial behaviour, people being shot in the leg and a house set fire to... :loopy:


Time to get the F out of here! :gag:

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