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Scumbags out on Lindsay breaking into vehicles again.


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Yeah, it was all my fault! :hihi:


Seriously though, when I moved in 10 years ago the tenants on the street were reasonable if not brilliant.


Since then i've noticed a lot more antisocial behaviour, people being shot in the leg and a house set fire to... :loopy:


Time to get the F out of here! :gag:


Well all the best then :)


I’m sorry you’re leaving Sheffield but . . . I don’t know how to finish this sentence really :blush:

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lived on parsoncross 37 years never really had any problems at all


yes there is plenty of scum bags but you get them everywhere sometimes its better the devil you no


Lived on Emerson crescent s5 for years never had 1 days problem just keep away from dick heads and don't leave temptation in car like dash cams sat nav then you will be fine

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Agreed, I live further down the road near the Asda at Chaucer and luckily we are moving out just after Christmas.


Moving out of Sheffield completely.


I feel sorry for the people who are unable to move, as the area I live in has gone downhill in the last 10 years since I moved in. :(


I think you've done alright for yourself there though Andy. Must have been better than living in that wicker basket with a rag doll and a teddy bear?

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I live on Parson Cross. I am in a well paid job and hold a professionally qualified and responsible position. I don't find the above description of the area to be true anymore. Yes, there are some that match that description but alot of the houses are now privately owned and the area has areas of newly built housing.


There are some rougher areas, but there are all over the city, even in the so called nice areas. I live here because when I bought the house I was paid less. I find now that I have plenty of spare money to go and do things as my mortgage and living costs are relatively low.


I have never really had any trouble here. I once had a wing mirror stolen; probably 15 years ago now.


Don't tar everyone with the same brush and don't make assumptions you can't back up with facts.

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