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Affect vs Effect

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"Affect" does have a use as a noun, a technical usage in psychology/philosophy.


So, "effect" is usually used as a verb but sometimes a noun, whereas "affect" is almost always used as a verb but, rarely, as a noun.


No, effect is usually used as a noun

....but....we have to accept that language changes, and, it appears, many nouns can be ‘verbed’ and many verbs become nouns.

Eg Nouns verbed - he/she podiumed/ summitted/medalled etc

Verbs becoming nouns - It’s an ask, probably a big ask.

A lot of these are from the ‘sports’ world.

As I said, language changes and I anticipate that in twenty years time few will know the difference in, say, your and you’re.

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Affect is always a verb, effect is usually a noun but occasionally is used as a verb ....but I suppose, nowadays, most people, many teachers included, don’t know what a verb or noun is !

(We used to be taught (incorrectly) Raven...Remember affect verb effect noun)


I suspect that many people, teachers included, know how to punctuate a sentence.

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Here is a an example that may help. The use of these words is often relevant to the context of what is being said.


Effect (effective).


Rock salt is effective on ice.


Affect (affected)


I am sometimes affected by noisy neighbours.


Thanks for trying Janis (and everyone else). I have to fess up, the more I try to understand these language constructs, the more confusing and ambiguous it all seems.


I should just stick to maths.

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