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2nd EU Referendum Call by Lib Dems.

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When will the madness end?


We've had a democratic vote, there was a loosing side, has there has to be in all votes.


Last time I checked we vote every 5 years for a government or should that be a binding vote too so we keep the same government forever?


Without becoming partisan about it, had the vote gone the other way by such a small majority, would UKIP and Mr Farage have accepted that and retired?

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Last time I checked we vote every 5 years for a government or should that be a binding vote too so we keep the same government forever?


Without becoming partisan about it, had the vote gone the other way by such a small majority, would UKIP and Mr Farage have accepted that and retired?


A general election is NOT the same as a referendum

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It's obvious that we should vote again. The result in June was a suicide note that most people didn't understand. Our old and uneducated in parts of the country that benefit most from EU membership voted out whilst our young, intelligent educated folk who have jobs and understand what the Union means voted to stay.


Either the deal we have will become so watered down (most likely) that it won't feel like we've left, or we'll vote again.


Already the EU tells us that there is no special deal on financial passporting which means that most of the City of London will follow Goldman Sachs to Frankfurt or Paris, and our most stupid will shout "Good riddance to the bankers" as they take their £75bn a year tax bill with them.


Cornwall, which voted to leave, has already asked for special treatment as it now realises that the only industry that it has relies on freedom of movement. They won't get it.


Iain Duncan Smith, who talked of a bright new future if we left Europe's clutches last week told us that British business would have to learn to "get by" in the brave new world. Robert Peston showed us the fact that Britain is second to last in EU growth forecasts next year, only above Italy, and the FT this week did an independent study that shows that since the referendum, Britain has lost £350m a week.


Anything else is a lie. Ford tell us that if we go to WTO rules, they will lose a billion pounds a year. That'll be jobs. People go on about BMW will always want to sell us cars, but what will happen to their market? It's going. Council tax up 6%, Inflation up 3%, house prices continuing to rise in the south, 1%pay rises, who is buying BMWs? The Chinese, that's who.


Manvers was built on EU money, so is a lot of University space. S Yorks relies on the money we get from the EU, as we are a net benefactor. We would not be a net benefactor from Westminster.


They didn't answer the Irish Question, they kicked it down the road. Why is a UK citizen born in Belfast allowed to travel the continent freely, but one born in Barnsley may not be? They've not even broached Gibraltar yet, and Spain won't let that lie, and the fabled WTO rules will only apply to us if we give the Falklands to Argentina.


That's the real kicker. These so called "patriots" who voted to leave, give us this scenario. When we can't work out a deal with the EU, we will need to go onto WTO tariffs or not trade. Argentina have repeatedly said that they will veto that unless we give them the Falkland Islands, a group of Islands that cost 250 servicemen their lives in the 80s, and is thought to be responsible for 100 military suicides since. To honour our brave soldiers, these "patriots" are prepared to risk giving away all they fought for. And why? Because they don't like what they've heard about Page Hall. And if you don't believe me, look to last week's news. NHS, Home Office and HMRC have already started referring to The Falkland Islands as Las Malvinas on websites.


People voted to leave because tax avoiding billionaires like Murdoch and Rothermere told them to, because they know that a UK with no European working time directive will make them and their mates more money. There isn't a single compelling argument for leaving the world's largest trading bloc, and we won't end up doing it.

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Without getting into which side is right:


1) No, its not an election. However, the outright lies and deceit and general incompetence from both camps mean that the original referendum was not based on facts and information that a rational person could have used to determine their options but was instead basically a wooley, naive gut-feel option. The single most important issue ofthe last thirty years was basically decided by an opinion poll.


2) The referendum wasn't actually binding in the first place. Politically bad to ignore, but nothing about the way the referendum was called actaually give it force of law.


3) Farage himself went on record as saying that if remain won by a 52 to 48 margin then it would be hard to consider the matter settled, and implied he'd fight on. Yet when leave won by the same margin, thats an overwhelming majority, shut up and like it.


the argument is, I suspect, that the original referendum was hardly an informed chouce due to all the bull**** involved. They want a second referendum to see if people, now the general shape of how things will go is known, don't actually want what's becoming increasingly obvious they'll get.

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We had a General Election in June. The Lib Dems had similar plans in their manifesto. If they had won the General Election in June, then they would have been in a position to arrange another EU referendum.


There will not be another EU referendum and Father Christmas is not the Prime Minister.


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 16:44 ----------


A general election is NOT the same as a referendum

Correct, EU/EEC referendums take place about every 40 years and General Elections take place every 4/5 years on average.

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Where does it say that we can’t have another referendum? There has been precedence on this.


It was stated that we can't have another EU referendum for many years in the £9.3 million government pamphlet 'Why the government believes that voting to remain in the EU is the best decision for the UK', that was mailed to over 27 million homes.


This pamphlet, which supported us remaining in the EU, stated:


The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision.


I'm afraid we have to wait 22 to 32 years for another vote on the EU.

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It was stated that we can't have another EU referendum for many years in the £9.3 million government pamphlet 'Why the government believes that voting to remain in the EU is the best decision for the UK', that was mailed to over 27 million homes.


This pamphlet, which supported us remaining in the EU, stated:


The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision.


I'm afraid we have to wait 22 to 32 years for another vote on the EU.


That’s ridiculous. If it turns out to be a mistake we have to wait decades to fix it? Really?


Give your head a wobble

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