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2nd EU Referendum Call by Lib Dems.

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It is people with your mindset, who will not accept or respect the democratic referendum result, who are the problem and doing the UK the most harm.


That sorta begs the question then... what exactly has Farage been doing for the last few years... doing the UK the most harm?

Edited by Magilla
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It's all the Russians, the Russians!


They have a mind-altering ray gun pointed at Britain........... were it not for them, Remain would have won 90% of the vote........ they perfected the ray gun for use in the US elections..... given this devilish intervention by Vlad "the Impaler" Putin, the only patriotic thing is to call another referendum.... or even not bother with another referendum, just annul the result of the first one...

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but then all you leaver types haven't accepted the result of the first referendum in the 70s and campaigned to change it for 40 years.


The referendum in 1975 was very different as it asked: "Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?", and had a simple binary vote again of "yes" or "no".


Notice that we never had a referendum asking whether we wanted to join in the first place though as if we had then the result would have been a resounding no. Politicians were well aware of the populations feeling so we were denied that bit of democracy.


As far as campaigning for another after that one then:




Notice how many times the political parties on all sides promised one and the subsequently dropped the idea when they came to power. As said before any blame lies with them and not the voters.

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European 'humour' I suppose?


As a Belgium politician I would have thought he would be more concerned that he is a citizen of a country that passes itself off as being benign & unthreatening but in reality it's a divided country, Greater Brussels, Flanders & Wallonia, not to mention that Belgium is now recognised as being Europe's hotbed for terrorism with the highest per-capita rate of foreign fighters of any Western European country.

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European 'humour' I suppose?


As a Belgium politician I would have thought he would be more concerned that he is a citizen of a country that passes itself off as being benign & unthreatening but in reality it's a divided country, Greater Brussels, Flanders & Wallonia, not to mention that Belgium is now recognised as being Europe's hotbed for terrorism with the highest per-capita rate of foreign fighters of any Western European country.


I could never trust a 64 year old man with hair like that.

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This attitude of yours is exactly why women were not allowed to vote or drive cars or work outside the home.


Well, indeed, and just look what a mess that has gotten us into even before floppy haired Gorgeous Gii came along, flaunting his moptop at the fairer sex like a latter day Stuart Sutcliffe. Remember ladies, look after your man and he will look after you. :|

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Nigel Farage didn't make the rules for the EU referendum or has had any authority about the issue. He thought like everyone else that the UK democratic people would vote to Remain in the EU and would have continued campaigning for the UK to Leave the EU, regardless of the margin of a hypothetical Remain victory.


And now the tables are turned, he doesn't seem to see the same might apply to those who voted remain - which isn't surprising as the man totally lacks any self-awareness.

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