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2nd EU Referendum Call by Lib Dems.

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Surely if the Lib Dems are calling for a 2nd referendum, then the only true democratic course of action would be to put it to the people & have a referendum to see if we really want a referendum?

They had a similar call for another referendum in their election manifesto for the General Election this year. The people gave them 12 seats out of 650.

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.......not to you it doesn't!.........you will move the goalposts anywhere to get what you want! You make it up as you go along! excuse after excuse.........."move on down the line boy" we're leaving get used to it!


You need to calm down. A democratic referendum to correct a mistake does not change our democracy.


In a way it could improve it a bit, introducing the concept of s qualified majority for major decisions.


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 22:15 ----------


No mistake . we voted to leave ,and out should mean out totally. walk away and go on our own .


The referendum question was so flawed it did not prescribe any specific course of action.


If we have another referendum then the question should be much more specific.

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Why do some people not accept a democratic vote ? I didn't like it when Tony Blair and labour got into power but I accepted it .


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 23:47 ----------


You need to calm down. A democratic referendum to correct a mistake does not change our democracy.


In a way it could improve it a bit, introducing the concept of s qualified majority for major decisions.


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 22:15 ----------



The referendum question was so flawed it did not prescribe any specific course of action.


If we have another referendum then the question should be much more specific.


A "mistake" . Its only a mistake , when the result dosent suit you

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Why do some people not accept a democratic vote ? I didn't like it when Tony Blair and labour got into power but I accepted it .


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 23:47 ----------



A "mistake" . Its only a mistake , when the result dosent suit you


So if it all goes pear shaped we still don't get a chance to look at it again? Not very democratic.


It will go pear shaped by the way - I'm still waiting for something better than "we dont know yet" or "lets wait and see" - is that any way to run a country? Under Corbyn it would be even worse as he trays to keep city dwelling remainers in Islington happy at the same time keeping the brexitors in the likes of Sunderland happy. It's a mess, a mess that when we are properly out will be truly awful.

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So if it all goes pear shaped we still don't get a chance to look at it again? Not very democratic.


It will go pear shaped by the way - I'm still waiting for something better than "we dont know yet" or "lets wait and see" - is that any way to run a country? Under Corbyn it would be even worse as he trays to keep city dwelling remainers in Islington happy at the same time keeping the brexitors in the likes of Sunderland happy. It's a mess, a mess that when we are properly out will be truly awful.


So says you

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We had a General Election in June. The Lib Dems had similar plans in their manifesto. If they had won the General Election in June, then they would have been in a position to arrange another EU referendum.


There will not be another EU referendum and Father Christmas is not the Prime Minister.


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 16:44 ----------


Correct, EU/EEC referendums take place about every 40 years and General Elections take place every 4/5 years on average.


Yet aren't the Scots wanting another one right away for their independence fom Britain?

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