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2nd EU Referendum Call by Lib Dems.

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Yes, they do if they want to fly within EU airspace.


My response rhymes with the parts of the rowing boat where you pivot your oars. You've got a Sky News report that you don't understand, I've got an Air Law exam certificate. :)


Where I do agree with you is that staying in EASA makes sense for everyone, but not for the reasons that you don't understand.

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My response rhymes with the parts of the rowing boat where you pivot your oars.


Here we go..... :roll:


You've got a Sky News report that you don't understand, I've got an Air Law exam certificate. :)


Bwaahaahaa... You just can't help yourself can you :loopy:


So... a "certificate"... ohhh. Stand back everybody, ENG's got a "certificate".. and he's not afraid to use it! (grenade emoji required)


Does that have the section about pulling back on the stick when you're plummeting off the cliff.. or does that come later? :heyhey:


Where I do agree with you is that staying in EASA makes sense for everyone


Ahh, but you thought you'd try to muddy the waters with hypotheticals that don't represent the reality of the current situation...


Well who would have thunk it! :hihi:


but not for the reasons that you don't understand.


We've heard this one before :nono: Twice in one post... tut tut, no marks for originality :(

Edited by Magilla
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Also: let's bear the LDP's policy in mind so that every future LDP electee (Councillor, MP, etc.) is thereafter challenged by voters who, not having voted for him/her, demand another vote- and another and another- until someone else is elected!


But they get that - its called the electoral cycle...

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Have you got a plan? Has anyone in charge of brexit got a plan? Show me the plan!


No I haven't got a plan , have you ? if you have maybe you should give it to the people in charge . You are the one making bold statements , such as it WILL fail , when in truth its nothing more than a guess

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No I haven't got a plan , have you ? if you have maybe you should give it to the people in charge . You are the one making bold statements , such as it WILL fail , when in truth its nothing more than a guess


I’d guess that a Government with its head rammed firmly up its Jacksy, doesn’t have a plan.


Given the nonsense that they’ve published today, they are showing no sign of having a clue about the impact of Brexit.


All you leavers and the dribbling Tory hard brexiters, really do owe the rest of us a better estimate of the damage that you are precipitating.

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