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Damain Green resigns

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Theresa May's right hand man (fnarr, fnarr), has been found to have breached the ministerial code and has resigned.


The Half Man Half Biscuit loving Tory has been at the centre of a swirl of salacious rumours for weeks now, but he has clung to office, presumably because he is irreplaceable, as May is fast running out of allies.


This Government gets more and more shabby and chaotic by the minute. It is time that we were given the chance to replace them.

Edited by Naive
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Didn’t Davis say that he could resign if Green was forced out as a result of the detective’s comments.

I doubt that this will happen as this is only part of the reason why Green has fallen below the standards expected of him.

When will they ever learn.

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We’ll wait with baited breath for vacuous laughing boy Davies to resign. He’s probably wanting an excuse to escape his current role in which he’s hopelessly out of his depth.


What the hell was Green doing with thousands of images of porn on a works computer ? Not that he looked at or downloaded any of it, a claim he made in his resignation letter. Some of it would have been classed as “ Extreme Porn” which two weeks later in 2009, would have been classed as illegal. Lucky boy.

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It is time that we were given the chance to replace them.


That would be nice, unfortunately there are large parts of this country where people vote Tory because their forefathers going back many generations voted Tory. As long as these donkeys continue to do so we'll never be free of this shower.

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So the sorry saga has come to an end. But, this is one paragraph in the guardian report that make me think its still the anonymous big beasts of the tory party that are running the show. She was told by Heywood on Monday.


They put her there without a vote.

She has no direction or idea's of her own.

She does what they say on all matters.

She will go when they tell her to.


'May was handed Heywood’s report on Monday, and subsequently sought a second opinion from Sir Alex Allan, the prime minister’s independent adviser on ministers’ interests.'



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Typical Tory sacking/resignation - it’s happebed because he fibbed to his chums. They can overlook the fact the investigation found credible allegations he sexually harassed a woman and, regardless of how information came to light, whilst he was sat in his parliamentary office, porn was accessed on his work computer.

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About time. When you are at work you shouldn't be using your work computer to look at porn, legal or not. And when you get caught out lying about it you have to go.
.........steady on!.....that could mean up to half the public sector having to go:hihi:
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