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Zuckerberg for President

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If you use a computer, smart phone, Sat Nav, bank card etc, you are constantly giving out data every time you use it. You don't have a choice.


When every tiny insignificant detail is joined together, it creates a comprehensive profile of you.


Regardless though...you volunteer it...right?


If it’s “so important” don’t...it is possible.

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Guest makapaka
:) OK. I'll try it another way.


Imagine you are Hillary Clinton, and Mark Zuckerberg is Donald Trump. How do you feel about Donny having access to all your personal Facebook data and your supporter's personal data, and billions of dollars available to manipulate what they see and how they see it?


We don't know anything much about Mark Zuckerberg except that his company has the personal lives of billions of people on its servers. That makes him a deeply unfit person to be POTUS in my eyes.




Social media is incredibly dangerous to society as a whole.


I’ve thought it from the off - I wouldn’t dream of having a Facebook account. Horrible idea.

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It is sound advice though, so it is useful. People don't seem to understand that they can limit the data they put out, and what happens to it once it is given away is something that they aren't in control of.

It's hopeless advice. The bird has flown. Hubris won't help anyone.


I don't buy the comparison to Trump either; regardless of Zuckerberg's ethics he doesn't appear to be a dim witted racist sympathiser with a narcissist attitude.

How much did you know about Donald Trump at Christmas 2015, six months after he announced that he was running. I bet you knew nothing useful until summer 2016.


Zuckerberg hasn't announced anything but what exactly do you know about to form any opinion at all? All I really know is that he wears the same clothes and started Facebook after diddling the Winklevoss twins out of their share.


How does he stand on the death penalty? What's his approach to trade with Russia and China, two markets that Facebook struggle with? What about abortion, or tax reform? We know nothing about Zuckerberg except that his company knows more about what billions of people did in 2017 than their parents, and he uses that information to make himself a very rich man and maybe the president.


I would say that Mark Zuckerberg has more similarities to Lex Luther than a US presidential candidate so I feel a little bit worried about the prospect.

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Zuckerberg is an extremely wealthy aggressive tax avoider who believes that only the 'little people' should pay tax. He's an opponent of any form of welfare state and believes that private profit making companies should replace the public sector.


A dangerous man who wishes to remodel the world in his own image.

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Zuckerberg is an extremely wealthy aggressive tax avoider who believes that only the 'little people' should pay tax. He's an opponent of any form of welfare state and believes that private profit making companies should replace the public sector.


A dangerous man who wishes to remodel the world in his own image.


Sounds just like the present incumbent of the White House.

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OK - makes more sense now, but that's a reason I have put only the bare minimum of info in my FB account, which I only have to watch what a very limited number of people are up to.

IMO, if you have an account, you should be EXTREMELY careful of what and how you post.


Great advice. Im the same, I also closely monitor and control what information my daughter puts on Facebook.

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