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Virgin broadband 200mbps


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Not had any problems with Virgin before but for the last 10 days or so keep having long periods where the internet connection drops and it could take 8 or 10 attempts to reconnect, considering it takes more than 5 minutes a time to go through its connection procedure this can get really annoying, in fact on more than a few occasions I have had to stop myself ripping it out of the wall and chucking it down the garden.

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Ignoring poor wi-fi speeds or 100mb network interfaces in connected kit the op's issues could be down to the contention ratio - at the end of the day there is only so much bandwidth available from the cabinet / local network hubs...


Ultimately the more people connected the less potential bandwidth each person has, not a problem if people are only browsing / checking emails but if everyone starts streaming video or hammering torrents it soon slow everyone / thing down as people start using more resources than the ISP "expects"


At one point my 150mb connection was lucky to hit 15mb on a good day, Virgin did some upgrades to improve the network (contention ratio) and now I get 210-220 on 200 connection all the time.

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