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D.o.t propose to intruduce pay per mile

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The government already tax all UK vehicles... Do you mean that they want to tax foreign vehicles coming here, I can't imagine it would raise all that much.


There was proposals some years ago to make foreign trucks have to buy a permit to come in to this country but as usual nothing ever came of it

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The last figures I saw were in the Telegraph a few years since. Motoring taxes (fuel duty, VEL, tax on new car sales etc) brought in £40 billion plus. The amont spent on the roads was approx £11 billion.


Motorists get a very bad deal in respect of tax. We are essentially wallets on wheels. If any government decides to charge motorists per mile without dropping other forms of motoring tax, they would be committing political suicide.

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I assume that electric cars will be fitted with pay per mile boxes and petrol/diesel vehicles will gradually be more heavily taxed to drive them off the road.

The fact is government has to get revenue and transport is a relatively good way to raise funds.

Although it irks that foreign hauliers have an advantage the amount of revenue they avoid paying is very small.

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Taken from " The Tax Guide "


" As can be seen, it is therefore very difficult to detail exactly how your road tax is spent, because it is divvied up in the same was as any other tax. However, there are certain related expenditures that we certainly rely on road tax and fuel tax to pay for. "


Shame it is not all spent on the roads, they could certainly do with it.



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No matter what taxes etc any government brings in people will stil drive just as they will drink and smoke All it might do is stop people doing non essential trips but then people will say their trip is essential


You realise that smoking has been reduced massively in the last few decades?

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Tax on entry then, the swiss do that don't they, you have to buy a temporary pass to use the motorways.



It's about €50 for a year. Runs from 2st Jan though to 31st Dec so h no discounts for buying part way through the year. At least, this was the case last time I bought it (several years ago now)

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